Song Surprise

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The glee cast were all having a reunion to catch up and see how things were going with each other.

Kurt and Blaine had to leave their 16 year old daughters at home, since they had exams coming and they wanted them to do well on the exams.

What Kurt and Blaine didn't know what everyone else knew, was that Tracey and Hepburn were going to surprise them at the reunion and dedicate a song to them.

"Goodbye, see you later," Blaine called to their daughters right before they went out the door.

"See you. Love you," Kurt smiled and followed his husband out the door.

Tracey and Hepburn high-fived and smiled cheekily.

They both knew what was actually going to happen later that day.

They started planning what they were going to sing and say to their lovely fathers.

Meanwhile, with Kurt and Blaine, they had just arrived at the glee club reunion and already, Santana, Brittany, Rachel, Quinn and Puck were there.

They were all talking about their lives, like with their kids and so on.

A few hours later, they were sitting in a semi-circle in the glee room and just talking as you do.

Whilst that's happening, Tracey and Hepburn were talking about their dads and how they've always been there for them and how they are thankful for them.

They were still planning what the song was going to be, but they were enjoying themselves.

Then, after half an hour, they were ready to leave and go surprise their fathers.

Whilst going out the door, Tracey sent a message to their mum (Rachel), just saying that they were about to leave.

Then, Rachel replied "Okay, can't wait!! Be safe!!"

Obviously, Rachel had to lie about who had sent the message to her, even though pretty much everyone else knew, apart from Kurt and Blaine, who the message was probably from.

Now, the time was around 16:00 (4:00) pm, when Rachel revealed the surprise to Kurt and Blaine.

Then, suddenly, one of the doors opened and there stood Tracey and Hepburn. Kurt and Blaine were both shocked and surprised.

They both got out a microphone and smiled cheekily to their dads.

When I feel all alone and nobody knows
Still gotta smile for a while I can't let it show
Dry my tears, dry my tears
Have no fears, have no fears
And when I'm, and when I'm backstage feeling down
And the lights come on, no time to worry
Gotta hurry Gotta sing my song
Gonna shake it off shake it off

Hepburn sang first and whilst she was singing, they walked further inside the room.

Strike a pose strike a pose
Snap my fingers just like that
Don't get what I want and that's a fact
Snap my fingers just like that
Don't get what I want Just 'cause I want it

Tracey sang this part and acted out every part where she could.

We're super cool Super hot
Living like a rock star
You think we're super
You think we're super
On the cover of your magazine
Wherever we go they make a scene
We're super, super
We're super-duper
So you wanna be just like
So you wanna be just like
Think you wanna be just like me
Everybody's watching me
Never as easy as it seems
To be super, super
To be super, super girl

They both sang the chorus with every inch of their hearts.

When we walk in the room
Everybody stops
Camera's flashing People fighting for the best shot
They like my hair, like my hair
The clothes I wear, clothes I wear
Everybody wants to know
What I'm doing next
Sometimes I wish I could
Stay home just be by myself

Tracey sang this part and acted out whenever she could.

We wanna be We wanna be
Walking free Can't you see
Snap my fingers just like that
Don't get what I want and that's a fact
Snap my fingers just like that
Don't get what I want Just 'cause I want it

Hepburn sang this part and acted as if it was in real life.

Wish you could see
We're like everybody else
Struggling to let go
And always be myself

They both sang this part because they just wanna be themselves.

We're super cool
Super hot
We're super, super
We're super, super
On the cover of your magazine
Where ever I go they make a scene
We're super, super
We're super, super
So you wanna be just like
So you wanna be just like
Think you wanna be just like me
Everybody's watching me
It's never as easy as it seems
To be super, super
To be super, super girls

They both sang this part and at the end of the song, they ended up on the second step standing in front of them.

"Thank you," Kurt smiled at them.

"You're very welcome," Tracey smiled back at her dads.

"Why did you choose to do this?" Blaine asked suspiciously.

"Well, we wanted to show you how much we appreciate you and love you," Hepburn answered, whilst looking back and forth from Tracey and her dads.

"Aaaww, we love you too," Kurt smiled.

"Okay, now we have to go home and study," Tracey rolled her eyes.

The daughters started walking out of the room until their fathers said something.

"Fine, just this once, you don't have to study," Blaine sighed and yelled.

Tracey and Hepburn whispered 'yes' without turning around.

Within a minute, they had disappeared out of the room.

"Oh my god, they're amazing," Kurt stunned.

"Yes, they are. We both have wonderful lives," Blaine replied.

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