Birthday Surprise

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In about 3 days, it's Kurt's birthday and Blaine has something very special planned for him.

He has no idea about it, cos it's a surprise and that's the point. Blaine is very excited to show his amazing husband the surprise.

The couple were both awake and sitting in te sofa and watching TV and a cup of coffee in their hand. They had already eaten breakfast.

When the TV was on the commercial break, Blaine decided to take the opportunity to ask Kurt what he wants for his birthday.

"I just want to spend the day with you, if that's okay," Kurt replied.

"Of course, you can," Blaine kind of lied in a way.

When it was lunch, they made some scrambled eggs and had a cup of coffee.

Later that day, when Blaine was at work just to check everything was going well, he called some special people in Kurt's life, who was going to surprise him, just to see if everything was going to plan.

Everything was going to plan, which was good for Blaine.

The rest of the day was spent cuddling and resting in the sofa until they had to go to bed for that day.


The next day was spent cuddling and watching their favourite TV shows after Blaine and Kurt had finished work that day.


After Blaine and Kurt had finished work that next day, they had decided to meet at a park, that was close to their apartment, and walk home together.

During the walk home, they enjoyed each other's company and talked about their day.

By the time they got home, it was dinner time and so, Blaine made dinner, whilst Kurt made dessert.

At about 20:30(8:30pm), they were cuddled up together with Kurt's head on Blaine's shoulder.

"Hey, are you excited for your birthday tomorrow?" Blaine says, looking down on him.

"Of course, I am," Kurt replies.

"Good, because you should be," Blaine says, trying not to smile as much.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Kurt wonders, looking up at Blaine.

"Oh, just nothing," Blaine answers casually.

After 3 hours, they were in bed, soon after they went fast asleep.

The next day, Kurt's birthday, Blaine woke up and got ready for the day and to make breakfast for his husband.

About an hour later, Kurt had woken up and gone to the kitchen to eat his breakfast.

"Happy birthday, honey," Blaine happily said to his husband, then kissed him on the lips, which was very sweet and passionate.

"Thanks, sweetheart," Kurt smiled back at him after they had pulled away.

After they had eaten breakfast and talked about what they were going to do that day, they chilled in the sofa and watched Kurt's favourite movies.

At lunch time, they decided to go out to New York and eat somewhere that they had eaten before and loved.

Two hours later, so the time now was about 14:30(2:30), they had eaten and come home.

Half an hour later, they heard a knock on the door and Kurt wondered who it was, so he got up.

"I don't know," Blaine smirked excitedly and trying not to show Kurt his smirk.

"Surprise!!" Rachel and Santana synced together, whilst holding up their hands and smiling.

"Oh my god, what are you guys doing here?" Kurt wondered.

"Well, we came here to surprise you and come on, would you think we forgot your birthday?" Rachel answered smiling.

"And, plus, Blaine's the one who paid for our plane tickets and made us come here," Santana smiled and pointed to Blaine, who had come closer and hugged Kurt.

"Don't touch me," Kurt said, playfully, but turning around and hugged his husband, whilst whispering thank you.

After 3 hours, the time now was about 17:00(5:00pm), they were just chatting and catching up with things, whilst Blaine was making dinner.

Half an hour later, they were eating dinner and enjoying every minute of it.

At about 20:30(8:30pm), they decided to eat cake first, then open presents.

Santana got Kurt/Blaine some things they can use in the bedroom.

Rachel got Kurt some fashion magazines.

"Oh my god, thank you Rachel," Kurt stunned and hugged Rachel.

"You're very welcome," Rachel smiled.

Blaine then stood up and took Kurt's hands and led him to the middle of the living room because he wanted to tell him something special.

"Okay, you know that I love you, right? Well, I wanted to do something to show you how much I love you, especially when you're my one and only, forever," Blaine grinned at Kurt.

"Well, I love you too," Kurt beamed excitedly.

"I got you tickets to your favourite fashion show that I know you've always wanted to go," Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt passionately on the lips.

"Oh my god, you're the best husband ever!!" Kurt replied back, when they had pulled away.

"Thank you, and you're the best husband I ever have," Blaine smiled, whilst handing the tickets to him.

After an hour later, Santana and Rachel had left to stay at an hotel and then leave to go back to LA the next day.

"Best. Birthday. Ever." Kurt sighed, whilst getting into bed and soon falling asleep next to his one and only forever.

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