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your pov

"So, how are you?" Jae-eun asked, placing her tray down onto her table and greeting me as she always does everyday. She asks this everyday. It's routine.

"I'm fine." I muttered. "You know, I really do wonder if you're my therapist because that's how you treat me whenever we're together." I grumbled. I really do appreciate her, but there were some moments where I asked for a friend, not a mother.

"I'm sorry, I really, really do care for you Y/N, I'm afraid that you'll do something especially since that," she trailed off. I took a deep breath. The day I told her about everything~her tears wouldn't stop coming. We held each other and she comforted me, knowing that she had my trust.

"Can you just stop saying that? I know you worry, but it's been well over years, I don't want to keep being reminded of it," I curled my hands into fists. Jae-eun nodded, staying quiet before we continued to eat our meals respectably.

I love her, she's more than I could ask for, but there are time where she would never mean push my buttons but sometimes she slips and says things that I don't exactly want to be reminded of.

Whatever, I sighed. I should stop being so ungrateful.

Lunch is my favorite part of the day. It's the only time I get to relax and unwind from the stressful studies and lectures we, high school students are given.

As lunch was coming to an end, the cafeteria had gotten quiet as seven of the, and I quote, "hottest and baddest" boys of Seoul High entered into the cafeteria.

    They wore black masks over their faces, even though it was prohibited. The masks covered from their nose to their jaw. One of them had their mask covering almost his whole face, you could barely see his eyes. I wonder how he saw ahead of him.

I couldn't exactly see who each of them were, especially since the only facial appearance showing were their eyes.

    I knew their names, since I could hear the girls call their names as if they were in a cult. I only knew since they've been walking around together since freshman year—people knew not to mess with them.

"I really don't understand what's so special about them," I muttered under my breath. I turned my attention back to my food and took the last bite of my chicken sandwich.

Jae-eun seemed to be in a trance as she placed her chin onto her palm, staring at the seven boys lovingly.

    I grabbed her arm and shook her, snapping her out of her trance. She rolled her eyes before turning back to look at them. I could see her drooling over them.

"What's so special about them? They're probably just troublemakers that don't even care about other people around them," I scoffed.

    Jae-eun didn't seem to hear me. I let out a sigh before shaking my head and standing up to grab my tray and clean up.

With my head still turned to face Jae-eun, I bumped into a hard wall. A wall in the middle of the cafeteria? I looked up, clenching my teeth before I stared up at the boy who I had bumped into.

    He took off his mask, showing his... scary, but quite gorgeous face. Jeon Jungkook.

    I blinked a few times before shaking my head. "Watch where you're going," I rolled my eyes.

I stepped to the right, getting out of his way to throw away my tray, yet I was unable to reach to the trash can as he stepped to his left, making me unable to move.

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