I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 10

Comenzar desde el principio

As soon as the day was over I began to walk home only to see Leons car pull up beside me, i looked over at him

"getting in?"

i sighed and nodded before walking over and clambering in with him, i buckled myself up before he drove off towards mine. We sat in silence and just as he pulled up and looked like he was about to say something we heard a massive bang and looked over to my front door, mum stormed off one way and dad stormed off the other.

I sighed and we both quickly jumped out of the car and rushed to the door, we saw mum cry as she made her way over the street, probably going to see Kelly. I quickly pulled Leon into the house with me just as my dad saw us and came over, i slammed the door in his face and heard him knock, i pressed my back against the door and leant my head against it, i closed my eyes and sighed.

"C'mon Ellie, let me in, it was just a small fight"

i ignored him and opened my eyes, Leon was standing there looking at me sadly, i shook my head, knowing he wanted me to let my dad in, he sighed and wandered off into the kitchen and i soon heard cups being moved and the kettle being put on.

I turned around and leant against the door, i knew dad was still there and i sighed to myself

"please ellie... it wasnt that bad, i promise"

i paused before speaking


i heard him sigh and he smacked the door with his hand

"ellie open up now... lets talk about this"

"no." i said again, i heard him lean his head against the door

"please... what happened to the limit is the sky if we team up?"

i paused, our saying. We always used to say that the limit is the sky if we team up to each other whenever we were upset or had done something as a father/daughter thing. I felt my eyes fill with tears as i spoke again.


silence, i heard him stand up from the door and it went silent again, i slowly stepped back from the door and quickly rushed into the living room and looked out of the window.

Dad was walking off in the opposite direction that mum had gone in, i sighed and watched him until i heard Leon cough slightly, i turned around and he was standing there holding two mugs of tea, i smiled and went over to him and took one, i took a nice sip and allowed it to flow down my throat.

"thanks Le"

he smiled weakly and nodded, taking a sip from his

"so im staying then?"

he gave me a bigger smile and i nodded, we went over and flopped down on the sofa and carried on drinking as Leon reached and got the remote, he began flicking through and eventually decided on the Jeremy Kyle show, i brought my legs up and leant over to Leon, he looped his arm around my shoulder and we watched the show in silence, drinking our tea.

Leon was just a brother to me, i couldnt date him... could i? Lexi would hate me, shes head over heels for him, maybe i could get them close, to me they were both my best mates but there was something about that kiss with Leon that caused sparks and fireworks but with Elliot i actually felt like our lips were made as one but split up, they connected perfectly. damn this was so confusing.

I felt my eyelids close as more and mohoughts about Elliot and Leon were coming through my mind, i sighed and the world around me slowly began to disappear as i drifted off into blackness.


"Ellie... ellie wake up, oi dumbo!"

i slowly opened my eyes and saw Leon standing over me topless, wearing trackies. I sighed and sat up slowly, i was still in the sofa, i must have fallen asleep because when i looked up at the clock on the mantlepiece i saw it read 11:38pm. brilliant.

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