03. The Journey Starts

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~The Journey Starts~

His voice echoed along the empty exit.

"What are you still doing here? Did you wait for me? How did you know I'd be out so soon and why wait outside when the weather is bad? You could've caught a cold!" You questioned, still struck by the amazing timing and the fact that he was still here.

"I was waiting to see if you were okay. I was only going to wait until sunrise because I felt guilty and couldn't let you leave by yourself, especially while it's dark outside!" He explained, defending himself as to not seem insane for waiting so long.

You were about to continue questioning him but got distracted by the constant echoing of his voice in your ear. The sound drowned out the rain which was starting to hit the ground more violently then before.

Realising the sounds source was from your phone, which you still held at your ear, you relaxed your arm and pressed the red icon to end the call.

"Before you ask anymore questions let me just ask one."

You nodded your head to accept, and let out the breath you were about to use to continue interrogating him.

"What was the reason you rang me so soon?" He asked, tilting his head with slight concern and confusion lingering on his face

"I had no one else." You explained, sighing as you felt uncomfortable admitting it to someone.

You weren't the type of person to rely on others so it was hard to admit he was the only one that could help at that moment in time.

"It's okay, I left you the number for a reason and I wouldn't have waited if I didn't want to make sure you were okay." He replied, smiling as if he knew how you felt.
"Enough questions for now," he announced. "Let's get out of the cold first."

He hesitated to grab your wrist lightly and instead gestured for you to follow him and offered to help you walk along the path.

You politely declined and tried to disguise your limping in pain so that you wouldn't add to his guilt aura floating over him.

After following him for a short amount of time,  you finally reached your destination. A small quiet place where the cars were parked outside.

Tae brought out his keys and unlocked a vehicle a few meters away.

The car was sleek and professional, standing out from the pool of cars surrounding it.

"You did gesture for me to follow you, right? I am supposed to be here, correct?" You questioned, needing reassurance to understand the situation.

"Of course. I didn't wait hours to make sure you were okay just to leave you again if you needed me. You wouldn't have left the building if you were waiting for someone and you wouldn't have called if you had a place to go. Am I correct?" He joked, with truth in his words.

"I guess you're right." You replied, sort of laughing to yourself and wondering why you asked such a pointless question to begin with.
"So is it safe to assume that you don't mind me being here for the time being?" Again needing reassurance.

"Yes, I am glad your here. I owe you this much as it was my fault. I just hope I haven't done any permanent damage, and that you start getting your memories back soon."

After those words he stoped for a short period, looking down before opening the car door and helping you climb inside the passenger seat.

Since you had left the hospital it had never occurred to you that your memories were gone and, until Tae mentioned it, you didn't feel any kind of worry. To think about how you couldn't remember anything made you start to panic again and realisation was slowly creeping back in to the little bubble you had put yourself in. A safety bubble that was now about to burst.

Panic was slowly making its way through your thoughts and the deeper you thought, the quicker it travelled.

Tae closed the door and strode along to the drivers side of the car to enter. He saw that your face had changed. You became pale with worry and beads of sweat were forming a band around your forehead.

Without saying a word he turned the key and the engine noise awoke you from your own mind.

"You alright?" He asked, his voice soft and slightly worried.

You nodded and gave a faint smile, trying to erase the thoughts and focus on your surroundings.

He was about to place his hand on your shoulder to comfort you and let you know you weren't alone but it was too soon and he was only a stranger to you which would make the situation awkward.

At that moment there was a sudden change in atmosphere.

The rain slowed and light started to grow over a small building opposite the car. Beautiful bright tones of pink and orange hugged the air and the floor began to shimmer through reflections of puddles on the ground.

Sunrise. It was a new day.

The light reached your face and filled it with a warm hope as you came back to your senses.

Tae's hand slowly reverted back to the steering wheel and he gave out a quiet relaxed sigh. He smiled but with a sort of sadness lingering on the end.

You looked towards him with a brighter face and he returned your gaze.

A hopeful voice filled the silence with a smile.

"So, where shall we go first?"

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