The Movie

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Oh my, I can't fan girl right now over a guy that isn't even famous.

I sat on my bed, they boys joined. "So what movie are we watching?" I asked Shawn.

"The scariest zombie movie of all time." He paused for a moment. "Dawn of the dead!" he said turning around with the movie being held between his index finger and thumb.

Me and Taylor chuckle a softly. "Just put it in dude." Taylor says. His voice, it's so manly and, well- hot.

"Ok ok no need to rush me!" Shawn says shushing him. He shoved it into the DVD player and hopped on my bed. He plopped down making the whole bed shake. I bounced up and down and accidentally tipbover. I landed in Taylor's lap.

I looked up at Taylor he looked down at me trying to hold back a grin, then winked. I smiled and say up.

"Ok then let's watch the movie!" I said.

Half into the movie

"This isn't even scary nothing has happened yet!" I yelled. Looking at Shawn then Taylor on both sides of me.

As I was looking back at the screen a zombie had popped up.. I screamed and hid into Taylor. He put his arm around me, I looked up and giggled a bit. "Sorry."

Then it happened again and I hid into Shawn. He pushed me off of him and into Taylor. Taylor turned his head causing me to head butt him.

"Oh ny god, are you ok?" I asked pausing the movie. He shook his head yes as he grabbed his nose.

I stood him up and took him to the bathroom to get some tissues for his I'm assuming bloody nose. "I'm so sorry, are you sure your ok?" I asked again.

He shook his head yes and finished wiping the blood from his nose. "It's not your fault you got pushed." He said standing up. He walked over to me and bent down next to my ear.

"Next time you get scared hide into me." He whispered into my ear. He stood up then winked at me. He put his hand out offering to help me up from the ground where the tissues were. I rested my hand in his as he helped pull me up before kissing my hand. I smiled and followed him back to my room.

Being Shawn Mendes Sister(Taylor Caniff)- EdittingWhere stories live. Discover now