But if Zayn decided that he wanted to date Perrie, then I could hardly stop him nor could I blame him.

I wanted freedom from my parents and suddenly the option became very clear to me.

One day, I was going to move away, far away. Whether I chose Antartica or Manchester I knew I had to get out of this dreadful town.

I nodded to myself, satisfied with the idea.

I went upstairs and took a quick shower. I walked out clad in nothing but a towel. I quickly dressed in shorts and returned to the Zayn's band t-shirt. Zayn's scent was laced so heavily in the material, it was heavenly. I breathed it in deeply, until my nose caught a hint of cigarette smoke in the material. That made me frown and I thought back to the last time I smoked. I think it the night of the engagement when Zayn and I nipped out for a quick smoke.

I rummaged in my bag for my cigarette packet but in vain. I managed to find my pink lighter which made me groan in frustration. What use was a lighter without a fag?

I finally managed to find one underneath my bed, which was probably unhygienic but I was past caring. I brought my lighter up to light it but was interrupted by the sound of the front door swinging open.

Dad's home.

I tucked the cigarette packet underneath my pillow and quickly slipped on some sweats, knowing how much Dad disliked short clothes.

I walked downstairs slowly, giving myself a little pep-talk. Stay firm, yet respectful, I chanted to myself.

Dad was stood at the bottom of the stairs, still in his work clothes.

"Salam, Dad. It is your lunch time already?" I smiled. He ignored me and went to pour himself a glass of water, sipping it slowly.

"Hannah," He breathed heavily, "What's this your mother's telling me?" He spat, speaking through gritted teeth. It sounded as if he was trying to control his anger.

"I'm not going to marry Zayn, Dad. Nor will I marry Amir or anyone else," That you pluck out of your arse, I added mentally.

He turned to me, eyes blazing. "I have had a long day at work, and this is the sort of rubbish that you bother me with?"

"It's not rubbish, Dad! It's my future, I don't want to get hitched to Zayn." I said firmly, though if you looked at my hands they were slightly shaking.

"You haven't a choice in the matter, Hannah," He snarled. My heart thumped in fear; I wasn't expecting it to come to this.

He continued. "As long as you live underneath my roof you will listen to as I say. Do you understand?" He boomed. I nodded, not trusting my voice as tears welled in my eyes.

"Good. From now on I also want you to dress more modestly. None of this skin-tight jeans." He said calmly. My head snapped up and my eyes narrowed into small slits.

"No." I spat. "Never!"

"Did you not hear what I said?! You will listen to me!"

I glared at him. "Looks like I'm leaving then," I turned on my heel and made my way back upstairs. I could feel him call after me but I simply ignored him.

I packed a small bag with only the essentials; two jeans and three shirts, underwear, toothbrush and hair and makeup supplies. I then walked into the bathroom and packed a small toiletry bag.

I swung the bag over my shoulder and started to leave the room but I quickly remembered my iPhone charger and earphones. I packed them away and lit my fag, smoking it deeply.

Dad was watching the news now, with a mug of tea in his hand. I walked to the front door.

"I'm leaving now Dad. The day you decide to stop controlling me is the day I will return." I told him. I saw him eye the cigarette in my hand but he chose not to comment on it.

"Go, then." He scoffed and sat back down. I rolled my eyes and left the miserable house, slamming the door behind me.

I knew exactly where to go; Zayn's keys were burning a hole in my pocket.

Walking to the bus shelter, I finished my cigarette and caught the 52 to Zayn's place.


fireproof inspired me to finish this chapter lol

surprisingly i didn't get feels with that song. it just reminded me too much of something aha idk i felt like I've already heard it. anyone else?

comment, vote. I'm going to post an authors note tonight so stay tuned!

L :)

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