Chapter 63: Change of plans

Bắt đầu từ đầu

I give my mum a small smile before leaving the table and walking upstairs with my phone pressed to my ear.
- "Hey," I say, shortly as I pick up.

- "Hey babe. This is really late notice, but we'll have to cancel tonight," He speaks rather fast, sounding ominously nervous somehow, suggesting that why he chose to pull the 'babe card' on me.
"I- something has come up and it's.. tonight is not a good time," his accent sounds even stronger through the phone.

- "Oh ok. Is everything alright?" I ask, even though I know there is know way he's gonna tell me through the phone anyway.

- "Yeah it's nothing, it's just.. I pissed my mum off. We'll just find another day yeah?"

- "Sure," I say, feeling a bit confused about this, but at the same time just a tiny bit relived. Or actually I was so nervous I could hardly sleep last night.

Having dinner with Zayn's mum is a big step, especially for him, since I don't think he has ever properly introduced her to anyone before, but for me too.

- "If you want, I could pick you up right now? I'm in the car outside my mum's," he chuckles, now sounding like his usual confident self again. "I could take you to the cinema later or something?"

Now? Good thing I already showered and put on some minimal make-up.
- "Uhm sure sounds good," I say, looking around my room for my bag. "So do I sleep at your place?"

He chuckles.
- "Yeah that's the plan," he says smugly, making a smile spread on my face. "If you want to,"

- "I'll be right down okay? Give me a second," I say before we hang up, grabbing my bag after deciding to bring an extra outfit and some toiletries for once; just the basics - a hair brush, some mascara, eyeliner and concealer and my toothbrush and toothpaste.

Having zipped my bag, I take off my comfy gray sweatshirt and change into a cute white top, leaving my black jeans on.
My hairs a bit messy but it sort of doesn't look too bad so I just leave it as it is.

I grab my bag and my phone off my bed and walk downstairs where my parents are still in the kitchen while my little brother is sat in front of the TV.
They give me a confused frown as I walk past them and out in the hall where I grab my leather jacket and put on a pair of sneakers.

- "I'm heading out," I say loud enough so they can hear me, but forget that I've left my keys in the kitchen.

- "With Zayn?" my dad asks, taking a bite of an apple as I hurry back into the kitchen and grab my keys off the kitchen counter.

- "Mhm," I say, stuffing the keys down my bag, while my dad points at it.

- "So you're staying over again?"

- "Yeah,"
We lock eyes for a second and when I think he's just about to tell me no, he just nods and glances at my mum.

- "Alright then,"
He simply says, and with that I tell them "bye" and walk out the door and into Zayn's black car which is parked up on the curb outside my house at a quite skewed angle.

He's wearing a gray denim button up shirt and his hair is styled into a sexy mess that goes well with the smirk he gives me as I look at him.

- "Hey," I say, as he starts the engine and gives me a warm smile, and attaches our lips just for a brief second, but long enough to make me feel all giddy all over when he pulls away again and pulls out onto the road.


We end up dumping my bag in his room, where we just chat for a bit before he pulls his laptop out to see what movies are on today.
I ask - sort of as a joke - if we can watch The Fault In Our Stars knowing that he will turn it down, but surprisingly it doesn't take much persuasion before he books us two tickets - also after I've told him it's basically a huge sob story.

I haven't read the book - or actually I don't think I have even read a single book since I met Zayn - but I've heard it's amazing and I sort of really wanna watch it.


I end up walking out of the cinema with Zayn's hand in mine, most likely with black streaks of mascara down my cheeks. I usually don't cry a lot watching movies, but it was that touching.

Zayn of course kept a genuinely straight face throughout the whole movie, however he said it was "alright".

He took me out for dinner before the movie, or actually he more of less asked me to pick a place, and since none of us were really in the mood for anything fancy, we just went to the grill across from the cinema so we just drive directly home after where I spend most of the drive trying to remove the smeared mascara from under my eyes while Zayn drives with an amused look on his face.

He doesn't even get to get comfortable in the couch next to me as his phone rings and he digs his phone out of his pocket and glance at the display with a frown on his face.

- "I have to take this,"
He picks up, his eye flickering in my direction as he says "yes" like 3 times while walking to the kitchen.

He grabs a pen and a post-it note, and scribbles something down on it before he hangs up again, scratching his neck as he walk back to the couch with a bit of a frown on his face.

I give him a confused look, but he avoids eye contact adding to my suspicion that something weird is going on.

I consider just letting it go, since I find that I tend to be a bit nosy at times but eventually his eyes find mine and he gives me a wry smile.

- "I was out with the lads last night, and Jason - you know my mate who is sort of a dick most of the time right?" he chuckles and I nod.
Jason, the relatively attractive blonde-ish one with strangely piercing green eyes.

"Well he was driving my car, and got a bit ahead of himself so we got pulled over. So now basically they called me in to ask a few questions," he explains in a low voice.

It doesn't make sense.
- "What has that got to do with you?" I ask.

He shrugs, picking at his fingernails.
- "It's complicated. They must've looked in my file. It's not - I have been speeding before right? I can't explain it, it's just a lot of paperwork I guess. And my mum didn't get too happy because she helped me with the past cases so," He explains but I still don't get how the fact that Jason apparently got a speeding ticket has anything to do with Zayn, other than the fact that he was driving Zayn's car.

But what do I know about that kind of stuff anyway?

He must have seen my frustration since he chuckles and pulls me closer to him.
- "Don't worry about it Zoe. I'm not in deep trouble or anything,"


The next chapter will be a continuation of this one- cause I didn't have time to write the rest oops..

And btw my two 1D concerts are june 16th and 17th which is next week!! :O :O :O :O
When is yours if you're going??

And wow it's 1am and I've got an oral exam at 8 tomorrow lol

He's No Good - Zayn MalikNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ