Chapter 53: Maths

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Home again, sry it took some time but here you gooo 


Monday starts off with my maths teacher being ever so hard to understand, and I only get to ask him half the questions about the assignment for Wednesday that I had planned to ask. To be honest he is really slow and really bad at explaining and that doesn't help me at all.

- "Hey." I say, and pull out a chair opposite to Tamara and Louis at lunch at our usual table in the caféteria after buying a sandwich. 

- "Well someones in a bad mood," Tamara clicks her tongue.
Mhm that obvious?

- "Hm... Just stressed I guess," I say, removing my sandwich from its wrapping. 

- "Rough weekend?" Louis asks, taking a big gulp og his water bottle.
I shrug and shake my head. 

- "Actually Harry said something.. That you and Zayn are arguing. Not to be nosy or anything," Tamara tabs her manicured nails against her glittery iPhone case, giving me a sympathetic glance.

- "Nah it's not Zayn - I spend the weekend with him actually, we just had a bit of a row last week,"  I smile slightly, though I'm pretty sure my cheeks are heating up just by the mention of Zayn. "Just stressing over a math assignment that's all, but thanks for caring," I say with a hint of sarcasm that I don't know if they'll even notice, knowing that they would probably not be too sad - or surprised - if Zayn and I broke up.

Tamara pouts slightly and Louis shrugs his shoulder. 

- "Wait, Harry told you that?" I give them a confused look, and Louis who's been quietly eating nods halfheartedly. Harry doesn't really seem like the type to run with gossip but oh well I guess he really does dislike Zayn. Thanks Harry..

- "Don't be surprised, he did fancy you first," Tamara smiles and rolls her eyes, still playing with her phone. Wait what? Harry liked me? Uhm no.

- "What?" I say. "He said that?" I don't know if I really believe that, but anyway I'd be kind of adorable somehow. But oh so awkward at the same time.

- "No, but it's obvious. He ditched us to show you around and all that." she rolls her eyes again and exchanges a look with Louis. He sort of did I guess.

- "True that," Louis says. "Or.. I sort of asked him if he fancied you, but I couldn't get him to admit it. -Only that he thinks you're "pretty"," he adds, his fingers making quote marks in the air, grinning mischievously. "but that might as well be the same for Harry. Either way he was totally drooling over you," his wiggles his eyebrows and I roll my eyes at him and give Tamara a weird look.

I literally hadn't even considered that he liked me. Now when I think about it I probably should have - I mean yeah, he showed me around and made me a part of the group, but then he also walked me home and all when Zayn when he had kind of crossed the line at that party, and he even punched Zayn for it. And who knows maybe that long hug he gave me the other day wasn't so friendly after all - for him at least. 

Well this is awkward. 

- "But seriously don't worry it's not like he has feelings for you or anything - not anymore at least. It was just a crush," Tamara says, both of them looking at me with their blue eyes.
They must have seen the frustration on my face.

- "What she said," Louis agrees. "But that still doesn't mean he likes that you hang out with Zayn," he shrugs his shoulders, and as if on cue Niall and Harry appears and Niall takes the seat next to me and Harry pulls the chair out next to Louis. I glance at Harry one extra time before he sits down, still processing what Louis and Tamara has just told me. He doesn't even really look in my direction though.

- "What you talking about? You look so serious!" Niall laughs cheerily and both Louis and Tamara shoots me a funny smile.

- "Zoe's having trouble with a maths assignment," Louis says, directing his words to Harry, and nods his head in direction of me, digging into his sandwich again.

Harry glances at me.
- "Yea? You need help?" he raises his eyebrows, and Louis teasingly copies Harry's motions, blinking at me innocently. Oh god Louis. Don't even.

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