Chapter 26

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Kyle's pov

I sigh for the millionth time this morning. Kenny has been so depressed lately. Like right now he's sitting in the back, looking down at his desk. His hands are folded into of the wooden, dirty desk. I can barely tell but I know he's letting out a few tears.
    No teachers call on him, nobody tries to talk to him. Expect me of course. Kenny is one of my friends so I need to be there for him.

~Time Skip~

The bell rang alerting the students that it's end of school.  I stay put in my seat so I don't get mixed with the massive crowd. After waiting a extra few minutes I decided to leave the classroom.

  I walk through the front door of my house and I'm greeted with a mess in front of me. I sigh and walk over to the sofa. He looks up at me and I can tell he hasn't been sleeping. There's purple bags under his eyes. He must of been crying a lot as well cause his eyes are red and puffy. Suddenly he falls into my chest. At first I gasp bit eventually wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"I lost him." He says " I won't ever  see my sunshine."

His voice is cracking and get raspy. I rub his arm and I think of what to say. I say what comes to mind.

"Don't give up Ken. We can still find him." I say

He jumps up with this certain expression I can't describe. I suddenly feel some kind of fear. His face softens and his head hands low.

"No, it's been months." He says "I followed every clue and lead. I did what the kidnapper said but still no sunshine."

" But Kenny-" I began to say

He put a finger to my lips and sadly looked at me.

"It's going 10 months." He says "I think it's time to give up and face the fact that I'm never going to see him again."

As those words left his mouth, tears started to fall. It was like a beaver dam was broken and the river started to flow again. I pulled him in closer and rubbed his back. Just then Cartman walks by and peeks into my window. His eyes land on Kenny and he starts to laugh. I grid my teeth and continue to care for Kenny.

Don't worry Kenny I won't give up. I know Butters is still alive and out there waiting for you.


In this chapter it's been nine months and Kenny still couldn't find Butters. What will Kyle do to help Kenny feel better

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