Chapter 15

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I stop running in front of Butters driveway. I just myself off and fix my clothes. I begin to walk up to the front door.
  Before I could knock the front door opens. Butters comes walking out with a loose hello kitty shirt with it hanging off his shoulder. He smiles and walks by me. That's when I notice he has a pair of gray booty shorts on and a pair of white ankle socks. I have to stop myself from licking my lips. When I look at his face, he has an confused expression. I rub the back of my head and he smiles.
When did he get the trash bag?

I shake my head cause I must of not been paying any attention to what he was doing. Butters smiles at me and starts to walk towards me.
  I stand behind him and wait for him to open the door. I hear him talk but I'm barely listening and instead watching his cute little ass moving.

            I'm definitely making him mine, so watch out Cartman

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm tired and exhausted cause of work

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