Chapter 21

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Butters pov

I'm sitting in Cartman's room. Have been for days now. My parents think I'm out in a faction with Eric and his mom.

   I sigh as I sit at the window and look out. I start to feel sad as the couples start to walk by.  Holding hands and kissing each other lovely.  That's all I want is love and affection. But yet again I don't deserve either one. I hang my head down for a few minutes. Then I look up again. It's all I have to do til Cartman gets back.
   I spot a orange hoodie walking by with a blue hat with a red puff ball and a green square hat with red curls. I instantly know it's Kenny and his friends. The last time I saw Kenny was weeks ago. He sat in the park with me and listened to me. Then I just left him behind with a confused expression. He probably is upset with me.

Kenny can give you everything you want..... and more.

I miss Kenny so much. Miss us kissing and him comforting me. I just miss him period. I really think my feelings for him is stronger then ever. I can't really explain it.
   I pull my phone out and go over to compose a text. I press Kenny's name. Before I press compose I stop think about it.

Ooh stop this thinking. You know you want Kenny. So don't let anybody or anything stop you from getting your orange popsicle.

With that thought I send a message to Kenny and hope he isn't to mad at me. I sigh and instantly a second later I get a message back. I open it to see that Kenny texted back. I managed to smile. It was small but it was better then I've been doing for the last couple months. We just begin to text each other and didn't stop til we both fell asleep.
  The best part is that Cartman never showed back up at his house. I just crawled into his bed and wrapped myself up with a blanket. I fell asleep with a smile upon my face. Something that hasn't shown up for a while.


I jump up out my sleep and almost fall off the bed. I rymub my eyes and a very angry Cartman comes into focus. I gulp and wait for what's coming next.

" Why the fuck are you sleep in my bed?!" He yells

I say " Cause I missed you and this is the only thing that smells like you."

He glares at me for a few minutes and then made a disgusted face. I sigh and hang my head low. Even though I don't like Cartman like that, it still hurt to see his face twisted that way. I slowly climb off his bed and walk over to my spot next to the window.  Cartman starts to take off his sheets and bedspread along with his pillow cases. He walks over to the bedroom door.

"Don't ever sleep or touch my bed ever again." He says " got it?"

I just now my head and contuine to stare out the window. My eyes are scanning the outside world, wishing I was out there instead of here.

"Ooh Kenny, how I wish I could be with you." I whisper

Suddenly I'm being pulled backwards very sharply. I was pulled so hard that my head looked like it was a broken Barbie doll head. Then I feel a burning sensation in my stomach. A very shaky hand reaches down and touches a wet spot. I gasp and look up at Cartman. He has a evil smile and has his hands balled up. I crawl away. Or at least try to til he grabs my ankles. He pulls my hair so my back is arched and my head is backwards. He kneels behind me while still holding onto my hair.

"So you want Mr. Hot stuff?" He says " Well if he wants you then tell him to come and get you."

With the said He starts to laugh and pulls my hair harder. Next thing I know is I see nothing but darkness and feel a very warm sensation roll down my neck to my chest.

Save me Kenny please

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