"I love you too baby."
I woke up much later. The clock read 9:25am. Thomas wasn't in the bed with me. I heard the shower running and decided I wanted to join him.

Just as I opened the door the water shut off.

"No daddy I wanted to join," I said pouting.

"I'm sorry baby girl. I was hoping you would still be sleeping or I would have definitely invited you," he said with a wink.

I pouted my lip out farther and batted my eyes. "You get back in?" I said hoping he would.

"Nope we gotta start our day princess."

I stomped my foot and sat down mad at not getting my way.

Thomas came and brought my chin up to look at him.

"Remember, good girls get to cum bad girls don't."

I nodded that I understood. Thomas picked me up and carried me into the room with him. He set me on his bed so he could get dressed.

"So I thought we could go do some shopping today. Whatchya think of that bug? Get some lunch. Go to the mall."

I knew he was talking to me, but he just dropped his towel and all I could do was stare at his butt. Unfortunately he slid his boxers on. So then I moved to watching how his muscles moved through his back and arms.

"Aza! I'm talking to you" he said looking at me.

I felt my cheeks flush.

"Sorry daddy your butt distracted me." I said with a giggle.

He gave me an incredible sexy half smile and a wink before coming over to me.

"Now you know why I can never let you walk around naked. Your butt distracts me too" with a quick kiss he went back to changing.

When he was dressed he picked me up to take me to my room.

He laid me on my bed and started grabbing clothes. I crawled to the top of my bed to grab my stuffies to play with. My pacifier was laying there too so I popped it in.

Daddy came back with my black t-shirt with a multicolored zebra on it, some hot pink shorts, and some underwear.

I kept playing as he dressed and talked to me.

"So Aza as I tried to say earlier I thought we could go out to eat some lunch then do some shopping. Does that sound good to you?"

"Get toys?" I asked all excitedly.

"We'll see. Today I wanted to let you look at stuff to decorate your room. Since you'll be staying here long term now I thought you might want to make it more yours."

I nodded in excitement. I'd never gotten to decorate my own room before.

"Good. Now where would you like to eat?" He asked while slipping my shoes on

"McDonald's!" I exclaimed. I hadn't had chicken nuggets in forever.

"Lets pick a healthier option baby..."

"Please daddy. I haven't had it in forever. I want nuggets really bad"

"Alright fine. But this isn't happening all the time."

"Thank you daddy. I looovve you" I said trying to be all cute.

"I love you too baby. Come on let's go to the mall."

We pulled up to the special mall 45 minutes later and headed to the food court. After eating daddy took my hand and we started walking to the store. I saw the animal carts.

"Elephant!" I said running over to it.

"Aza we can't use that car today. We'll have to use the one the store provides because we'll need a basket for our stuff."

Daddy pulled me away as I sadly waved goodbye to the elephant.

The hardware store was huge. Rows and rows of home improvement stuff seemed to go on for miles. The huge tall shelves made me feel extra small.

Daddy swung me into the cart and headed to the paint.

"Alright baby. What color paint would you like for your room?"

So many to choose from!


"I should have guessed," daddy said chuckling.

I picked out a really pretty light pink color.

"I was afraid you'd pick hot pink like your shorts" daddy said teasing me as he lifted the cans into the cart.

"I thought about it," I replied smiling back at him. I just thought the light pink would be softer and more inviting.

"Alright baby now let's go look at furniture"

"New furniture too?" I asked in awe. I couldn't believe it.

"Yes baby. I want you to have the whole experience of decorating a room. I know I enjoyed picking stuff that went into my room."

I teared up.

Growing up I barely had anything in my room. An old bed with springs that hurt. A dresser that had no knobs and the drawers fell out if you weren't careful. Barely any clothes or toys. What I did have more than likely came from Alex.

"Hey baby girl. Don't cry. I know you didn't have a lot growing up. I want to change that. I'm sorry if its too much. I just want to give you the best cause you deserve it. You're the best baby girl in the world" he told me kissing me.

I melted into his kiss.

Love Yourself: Little Azalea's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now