Ch 12) Orochimaru's Arrival

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"No," was Naruto's simple reply. "I'm going to go get the scroll and forms. Be right back."

1 hour later

Now that all the teams have filled out the waivers and collected their scrolls, Anko was ready to start the test. Naruto already sent his clones away to perform their tasks, and was ready as well.

"The 2nd exam starts... now!" Anko throws her hand down, signaling the guards to open the gates.

Like a rocket, all the teams shot off into the forest determined to be the one who finishes this test on top.

"Let's go on to the tower in the center. Well be able to lay traps for unsuspecting teams. Plus we'll be almost equidistant from any location that my clones might leave a scroll for us to find. Another bonus with my clones, is we will be able to eliminate any unnecessary competition."

With team Ino-Shika-Cho

The team has gathered in a small clearing about 7 miles from the tower.

"So who do you guys think is the weakest team in this exam," Ino inquires from her teammates.

"I don't know? If you had asked yesterday, I would have most definitely said team 7, due to Sakura and Naruto," Shikamaru replied, thoughtful of the situation. "But after, Naruto's display of skill with those sound genin, and the K.I. he seemed to be able to generate. I am not so sure anymore. It's probably us."

Choji was munching on potato chips. "Yeah, you're right."

"What are you guys saying. So what if Naruto was able to restrain a group of Genin. That doesn't make him strong." Ino was still not sure if she believes that he's strong instead of just lucky. Then again there was the time when he totally flipped sasuke on his back out of nowhere and walked away like it was nothing. This memory specifically is what confused her the most. Wasn't Naruto supposed to be the weakest graduate at the academy. Their musings were cut short when a team of rain ninjas showed up to take their earth scroll.

Oh great! What are they supposed to do now? What a drag. Shikimaru didn't even want to participate in these stupid exams.

Aw man! They're not ready to fight at all. Ino will just use the mind transfer to distract them, allowing them to get away. "Are you ready Shikamaru?"

He nodded his head, showing her he knew what she was thinking. "Shadow possession Jutsu." His Shadow reached out all the way across the clearing thanks to all the trees surrounding them and caught one of the unsuspecting genin.

"What the," said the only other female ninja present.

"Now, Ino!!"

"Alright, here I go!! Mind transfer Jutsu." Her consciousness suddenly jumped from her body into the body of the restricted female nin. Shikamaru released the paralysis, allowing Ino to attack the girls' teammates, so Shikamaru and Choji could get away while they were distracted. After Choji and Shikamaru were a far enough distance away, Ino released the jutsu and woke up in Shikamaru's arms.

Back with Team 7

Sasuke had just finished setting up some traps around the tower, when a thought crossed his mind. "I think we should come up with a way to tell each other apart from a potential imposter."

Naruto removes a small paint brush and vial of paint from his ninja pouch. "I was thinking the same thing, and I have the perfect way to do it."

Sakura's interest was piqued. "What's that, Naruto?"

"This right here, Sakura-" Naruto raises his hand with the brush, "-is a seal brush. "With it, I can create a mark that will only appear when one of us is nearby. But to do it, we need to mix all of our chakras in with the paint."

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