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We had killed the giant that we had come out to kill, so our quest was over. I fashioned a shoulder baby holder out of cloth from the bed, and a needle and thread. (LOL It kinda rhymes) We were riding in a car home. I tickled Lily's nose and Lily giggled. She had greenish, blueish, greyish eyes, that sometimes shifted colour depending on lighting and what colour clothes she was wearing. Right now she was in an orange onesie, and it made her eyes blue. I think she's going to have blonde hair, but I don't know for sure. Percy stroked Lily's cheek and kissed mine.

"I'm glad to be going home." He sighed. "But I'm going back to school for the winter." I smiled.

"I'm moving near you. And if I can get this little one settled," I kissed Lily's forehead. "Then I might even join Goode." Percy smiled like a banshee. 

"Seriously?! That's so awesome!!!!!!!!" He said, jumping up and down like a four-year-old. Finally, we arrived. The door's magically opened and we stepped out. Percy and the others ran in while I quietly slipped away to the empty Athena cabin.


I ran in and everyone congratulated me. We all cheered. Once it had all settled down, one daughter of Athena shouted,

"Where's Annabeth?" Everyone went quiet.

"Is she ok?" Another kid asked, his voice peppered with worry.

"She's fine." Everyone sighed in relief. "She just needed some quiet." The Athena kids nodded, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw them sneak to the Athena cabin. I decided to ignore it.


I held Lily in my arms, calming her. I knew she couldn't be part of all that ruccus outside. Plus, I wanted everyone to find out I had a child slowly. Not so abruptly. All that was crushed when Dae walked into the room. She gasped when she saw what I was holding. 3 other kids entered and wore the same expressions. Dae quickly rushed over.

"Is..." She hesitated. "Is it yours?" I nodded.

"I named her Lily, after the Lily that died, remember?" Dae nodded grimly.

"She's so cute!" Dae's twin Hai said, rushing over. "And Lily's a beautiful name." I smiled at the two girls. They were my age and my best friends.

"Thanks." They both smiled.

"We're here for you Annie." They said hugging me. This might not be as bad as I had hoped.

Drama! (A Perachel vs. Percabeth story)Where stories live. Discover now