How could you?!

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"Annabeth! Annabeth where are you?!" I heard someone shout in a scared, tiny voice.

"I'm here!" I shouted, "Who is it?" Just as I said that Lily ran in. Her face was covered in tears and there was a wound on the right side of her face.

"Annabeth." She managed to whisper in a hoarse voice. She burst into tears again and I ran to her, picked her up, and cradled her in my arms.Once she had calmed down, and her crying was narrowed down to a whimper, I asked her,

"What happened?" I said it in the softest, sweetest voice I could muster.

"She...she hurt me." I was shocked. Who would do something like this? As surprised as I was, I was also filled to the brim with anger. Who dared to do this?

"Who?" I said, trying to keep my calm voice, but found it came out harsher.

"Rachel," she said, another tear stroking her face. Now, I was about to EXPLODE from anger. Rachel had sworn to be nice, and stop this nonsense. But nevertheless, she betrayed me. 

"Why don't you go find Will?" I said. She nodded and ran off, while I walked off to go smash Rachel's head through the wall.


"Will?" I asked as I walked into his cabin. He was with Nico. (As usual) He turned to face me and his eyes widened.

"What happened?!" He asked, rushing over to me. I slowly realized my wound had started to drop blood.

"Rachel. She slashed me with her knife." I put my hand on my cheek and took it away, and saw my hand completely covered with red. "But-but it just started bleeding!" Will shook his head.

"That's impossible. It's everywhere. Do you feel dizzy?" I nodded and nearly fell. "Oh no, she's lost a lot of blood."

"No. I'm fine," I said, my eyes fighting to stay open. Will crouched down, picked me up, and carried me to one of the beds. 

"Rest," He ordered. "I'll help you more in the morning." I didn't have time to nod before I fell asleep.



 screamed when I saw Lily lying in bed. The sheets were completely stained red, and so was she. There was a bandage on her face, but there was still some blood streaming down. I hadn't managed to go kill Rachel because I couldn't find her, and eventually I had to sleep. I had woken up to Will urging me to come to the infirmary where Lily was sleeping, and I was scared to Tartarus when I saw her condition.

"Is she ok?! Is she going to live?!" I asked, crying for poor Lily. Will looked at his shoes,

"We don't know. I'm going to help her more when she wakes up." Just as he said that Lily's eyes fluttered open. Will rushed to her side. "How are you feeling."

"It-it hurts," Lily said in a hoarse, scratchy voice. She tried to move but failed. Will quickly fed her ambrosia, but as she swallowed it, she winced again.

"AHHH!" She screamed in pain. My knees felt weak, seeing Lily like this.

"It-it didn't work," He said, shocked. He lifted her and put her in my arms while he changed the sheets. I cried and prayed to the gods Lily would be ok. When Will was done, I handed Lily back over, and he placed her on the newly made bed. Percy came, looking for me, and he was shocked stiff. I grabbed him and wept into his shirt. Percy hugged me back and cradled me. Will was rushing around, trying everything he could to help her, but nothing seemed to be working. Percy and I stayed by her side all day, but soon it was night. We didn't want to go to sleep, but Will insisted. He promised to stay by Lily's side. Reluctantly, we agreed to sleep and slept on one of the infirmary beds. 

Drama! (A Perachel vs. Percabeth story)Where stories live. Discover now