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I held Annabeth in my arms like she was fragile. I had carried her away from the beach, and to our living room, where I set her down on a couch. She had fallen asleep in my arms. I kissed her forehead and walked away. I went to the kitchen to get some blue ice-cream when I heard whimpering from where I had left Annabeth. I left the ice-cream and ran straight to her. She was sitting up on the couch crying again. I sat next to her, and when she saw me she flung her arms around me.

"I forgot. For just a second." I hugged her tighter. Her grip slowly loosened, and she was asleep again. I laid her back down on the couch and wrapped her in a blanket. I smiled and headed to the couch across from hers, and fell asleep as well.


I woke up all wrapped up in a blanket. As I sat up, memories of last night came flooding back to me and I smiled. All of a sudden, I felt sick, like I was about to throw-up. I rushed to the bathroom and puked. I was confused, what had caused this? Why am I suddenly so sick? The one possible explanation popped up in my brain. I gulped and looked down at my stomach. It did seem as if I was gaining a little weight. I wanted to deny it, say that it wasn't true, but I knew it was true. I collapsed on the floor and started crying. I'm not ready for a baby?! Percy came running the moment he heard my whimpers. He lifted me up off the floor and put me in his lap.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"B-baby." I couldn't manage anything other than that. I was scared. I glanced at my stomach, and Percy understood what I meant, but instead of looking worried or disgusted like I expected, he smiled.

"Well, that's exciting!" He said. I nodded.

"But I'm scared," I said, my lower lip quivering. 

"I know, and you have every reason to be," He spun me around so I was facing him and squeezed my hands. "But worrying isn't going to do anything about, so we should just be happy, and see what happens." I nodded again and hugged him. I'm so happy I have such a supportive boyfriend.

Drama! (A Perachel vs. Percabeth story)Where stories live. Discover now