Les Mis!

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https://open.spotify.com/user/artzforlife/playlist/7HgTwbF6pYhjP7D48t84nf-Link to my Les Mis playlist so you can listen to the music. I recommend it. The story will make more sense if you do. 


I held Annabeth's hand during the whole music intro. Annabeth smiled at me.

"I memorized two of the songs." She whispered. I was shocked. I realized I had never actually heard Annabeth sing before. I assumed she had the voice of an angel. Then the giant cover rose up to show a bunch of people in grubby clothes, with oars in their hands, pretending to row the boat. I was so excited I thought I might explode, but fortunately, I didn't. I turned to see the giant smile plastered on Annabeth's face. I loved it when she smiled, it lit up the whole room. (At least in my eyes it did) I was glad I bought these tickets. It was a good distraction for Annabeth, and it made her happy. Brushing those thoughts aside, I settled into my chair and got ready for an amazing show.


We were just onto the song On My Own, and Annabeth started crying. It wasn't anything big, just a small tear stroking her face. I have to admit, the show was very emotional.


Empty Chairs At Empty Tables had me crying too. Annabeth almost let out a shriek when (SPOILERS) Gavroche, the little boy, (I'M WARNING YOU, SUPER SPOILERS) died. (I WARNED YOU!!!) I almost started crying then, but I was too intrigued. But a whole song about a young man whose friends are all dead and gone, and all he has left is his fiance? Yeah, that's a stab in the heart. (NOT LITERALLY!) Annabeth was squeezing my hand so hard during the song, I thought it might pop.


It was the end of the show, Annabeth's wet face had recovered, but her eyes were still a little puffy. But, despite her puffy eyes, she had the biggest smile ever on her face.

"Oh my Gods Percy, that was so amazing!" She said then she turned to look at me. "And you know what made it even more amazing?" She asked. I shook my head, and Annabeth looked straight up into my eyes.

"That was the first musical I've ever seen, and I saw it with you." I hugged Annabeth tight as we walked back to camp, hand in hand.


I woke up to find Annabeth gone. Normally I wouldn't be surprised, she normally got up early, but it was 1 IN THE FREAKING MORNING, so I went out looking for her. Eventually, I found her singing at Lily's grave. I almost fell down her voice was so beautiful. She was singing I Dreamed a Dream, and I immediately understood. She meant she dreamed a dream Lily would be standing with her today, but she was gone. I went over to her and sat next to her. Instead of stop singing, or being embarrassed, she kept singing and rested her head on my shoulder. Once she had stopped singing, we sat there, in the peaceful silence. Eventually, we fell asleep.

Drama! (A Perachel vs. Percabeth story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant