⚜️Re-write: Chapter 3⚜️

Start from the beginning

"Yuu," she says in a quiet voice, "how did it go?"

A lump forms in my throat. She sounds hopeful.

"Not well. Mom, are you sitting?" I hear a chair scrape on wood.

"I am now."

"Okay." I take a deep breath. "I'm in the circus. Mika told me not to try and leave, and he looked really fucking terrified— sorry for the language— and that was enough to keep me silent. This dude, The Ringleader, seems to run this joint. I'm going to stick it out with them for a while to see what's up and then, well, y'know... I'll be my stupid reckless self."

Mom remains silent for a few minutes.

"How long do you think you'll be there?"

"Not as long as Mika has, I hope."

"And you'll update me."

"And I'll update you."



"...alright. I know you'll go through with this stupid plan regardless of what I say, so my last warning is to stay safe," Mom says. She sounds fragile. I don't want to break her.

"Thank you. Tell the squad for me, will you?" I ask, rubbing the inside of my hoodie. There's a minuscule blood stain where an IV was sloppily applied.

"Definitely. You might be reckless, but your friends are just outright stupid," says Mom with a shaking laugh. "After that I'll go to bed."

"Alright. Love you, mom."

She exhales deeply, as if savoring the words. "Love you too, kid."

And then she's gone.

"Yuuichiro," Colette begins not long after I hung up, "I want to apologize."

"That'd be nice," I muse. She doesn't laugh. "Sorry. Thought it was funny. Guess it's not."

"Anyway... I had no choice but to do what he— but to do what I was told. They wanted you here, and I had to comply. I wouldn't have done it if there was a choice, obviously. You mean the world to Mika and now I've taken the hope he had away from him by bringing you here and doing those—" Colette's hand slaps over her mouth. She shoves it away. "I don't expect you to forget what I've done or forgive me. But if you have it in you to accept my apology, I'll be eternally in your debt."


"I'll accept your apology just this once." Colette exhales deeply. "But," I cut in, "if you pull this shit again I won't guarantee forgiveness."

She doesn't respond. Only inclines her head in assent and stalks off.

"So I was surfing your memories so I could get a read on your situation with Mika and I've found something useful you might appreciate knowing," Asuramaru says.


"That guy Ferid?" I scope him out. He's standing by the entrance, peering through s crack with narrowed eyes. "He's the same dude who took Mika."

In an instant, all of my past anger comes crashing down on me. Considering how Colette had 'no choice' in taking me, it's entirely foolish in retrospect. But for years I had to blame someone for all of my pain— all of Mika's pain. Unfortunately, that blame seems to have fallen on Ferid. Marching on up to him, Asuramaru makes a weird little noise that nearly stops me all together.

Something in me forces me to continue.

I punch Ferid in the jaw with all my might, his narrowed eyes widening briefly before returning to a neutral state. I shake my fist, and he rubs a red mark.

"I was wondering when that would happen," he mutters to himself, "I entirely deserved it, though."

"Damn right you did!" Calls Lola from her perch. He sends a glare her way and is met with a toothy grin.

"Nice technique," adds Ferid, "might come in handy some day."

"That's ominous as fuck," notes Asuramaru. I leave Ferid in favor for returning to the comfort of my bed, Mika having asserted that the top bunk was his and if I could kindly fuck off (not an exact quote), and now taking residence beneath the covers. His head pops up to give a single message,

"Lights out, guys," He calls out. Immediately lights flicker out— Colette turns off her vanity, Lola rolls out of bed to shut off the industrial lights built in, and Ferid pulls the doors shut with a loud clang. Mika peers down to me. "I'll brief you on why you're here some more tomorrow, if you'd like."

"Please," I breathe, "and if you can, tell me what the hell you've been doing for seven years."

Mika doesn't respond.

And I don't push him to.

Author's Note
Hey, guys! So just a quick thing- for these chapters ONLY the pacing will be off by a little. This is because as I've developed, I've learned that having a shit ton of chapters doesn't matter— it's what's in them that matters. But from here on out the pacing will be back to how the chapters were outlined previously, but will be taken in different directions like the chapters you've been reading. If you have any more questions on this whole re-write thing, please leave them!

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