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I was walking down 29th and Park. I saw you wrapped up in someone's arms. It had only been a month since you ended it. You look happier now. You were walking inside the bar I had planned to enter just seconds ago to drink my problems and sorrows away, but I now changed my mind. I saw that he said something and you laughed a laugh I had never heard. I saw that the two of your smiles were wider than yours had ever been when you were mine. You look so damn happy.

He probably didn't hurt you as much as I did, but he probably doesn't love you as much as I do. I'm not taking it personal that you've moved on, but it still hurts to see you with him, but you look happier, yeah. You do. My friends keep telling me that one day I'll be happy, but I find myself putting a fake smile on to convince them, and myself, that I'm ok, but I'm not, cause yeah, I was happy with you.

I walked home and went straight to the kitchen and sat in the corner. I grabbed a bottle from the fridge to ease the pain. I tried to convince myself that you were happier and that we just weren't meant to be.

I hurt you, a lot, but I needed you and I still do. I know he deserves you more than I ever did, but I still love you a lot.

But I guess your happier. Rye walked in and grabbed the bottle from my hand. He helped me up and told me that I could be happy, that I would be happy, just like you. I just tried to smile a drunken smile to hide the fact that every single piece of my body was coming unglued. I know you were my happiness.


"Andy, you've gotta stop drinking your problems away." Rye said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and helped a stumbling, drunk me to the bedroom. He lifted my shirt over my head and slid my jeans off before picking me up and easily placing me on my bed.

"Why Ryan?" I slurred, on the verge of tears again.

"Because it hurts me to see you hurting." He mumbled, but it was barely audible.

"Hmm?" I hummed. He looked into my eyes.

"Because it's unhealthy. And plus, the Andy I know only touched alcohol on rare occasions, not every single night for a month." He said as he laid me down and pulled my covers up to my shoulders. "Now go to sleep. We'll discuss this in the morning when you can actually talk right." He said before turning to walk away. I quickly grabbed his wrist. He looked back at me. I could feel the tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Please stay." I whispered as a single tear rolled down my cheek. He smiled sadly before getting into just his boxers and climbing up onto my bed with me.

He laid down and I turned around so I was cuddled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and started running his fingers through my hair.

"I'm so sorry she hurt you, Fovvs. She doesn't deserve you. What she did was wrong." He whispered. I let more tears fall as I rested my hand against his stomach, feeling his toned abs under my fingertips. He placed a kiss to the top of my head before slowly falling asleep.

For a few minutes, I wondered why this felt so nice and why it felt so right before I closed my eyes and fell asleep. That was the first night I slept well in a month, the thought of Hannah never crossing my mind. The only thing on my mind was why I asked Rye to stay with me and why I liked being here like this with him.


-|I thought I'd come through and edit this book. Yes, it's finished. I'm just correcting some grammar and spelling mistakes.|-

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