"Aza come on, this isn't worth it" he said trying to soothe me. I wasn't having it though. I cried so hard I couldn't breathe.

Next thing I know Thomas is climbing into the tub with me holding me. My head on his chest soothes me. He just let's me settle down while rubbing my back.

"All better baby? Let's get you washed up now" he said starting to move me off his lap.

That made me scream again.

"No daddy. Me just want you" I said crying.

"Baby I'm staying here with you I just gotta move you so I can wash you." He tried again to move me, but I clung to him tightly and started crying again.

"Azalea enough we need to get you cleaned." With that, since he was way stronger than me, he removed me from his lap just enough so he had space to wash me. I cried and begged him the whole time to let me get back on his lap. I just needed to be as close to him as possible.

*****Thomas's Point of view*****
Aza was breaking my heart. She was very little right now and just wanted me. Even though I stood no more than a foot away from her it wasn't enough. I almost spanked her a couple times. But I realized this wasn't out of brattyness, it was something else. Instead I tried just soothing her and letting her cry it out. This was something she needed to do. Trying to shower her was a nightmare, but I managed.

"Aza you're all showered up now. I want you to sit here in the shower chair while I clean up real quick. Might as well get daddy clean while he's in here right? Do you want to help me wash up?" I asked hoping that might make her stop crying.

She shook her head no and reached her arms up wanting me to hold her.

"Give me 3 minutes to clean up baby and then I'll hold you."

That sent her into another crying fit, but she did as she was told and just sat on the chair. When I was done I stepped out and grabbed a towel to wrap around my waist. I got Aza her hooded elephant towel and wrapped her in it. She was calming down again, but still heavily crying. I plucked her elephant pacifier from her nightstand, her stuffed elepant, her brush and some underwear and took her to my room.

Aza was silent now, just cuddling up into me sucking on her pacifier. I grabbed one of my t-shirts from my closet and sat us both on the bed. I gave her her stuffed elephant which She immediately clung to. She didn't fight me when I moved her to dress her at least. When she was dressed I clicked on my tv and put a show on for her. I then plucked her down in front of me and started to brush her hair.

After brushing her hair I let her cuddle into me some more. I couldn't believe how little she had gotten. She seemed to be about 1 or 2. I knew my crazy schedule had something to do with it. I needed to spend more time with her. I put in my two weeks notice for a transfer to the pediatrics unit. My hours would be really great, I'd be home more and Aza could come visit me at work more often.

I just had to wait for the administrator to approve. Which I should be approved. I did my 3 years in the ER like all new people are supposed to. This was actually my 4th year doing it.

Just then my phone rang. It was the hospital.

"Aza baby daddy has to take this phone call, can you sit here quietly while I'm on the phone?"

She nodded yes, lost in her cartoons. I didn't risk getting up though, I didnt know how clingy she still felt. I just turned down the tv a little and answered.


"Hi Dr. Carter, this is hospital administration Jennifer Tidling. I'm calling to say we would like to approve your transfer, but first we will need to come in and talk to the pediatrics unit. Make sure you'd be a good fit for the group. Upon approval from the group you'll then need to do some training for the unit and we will process the transfer. Can you come in Monday at 7 to meet the group?"

"Yes that sounds perfect. Thank you Ms. Tidling."

With that we hung up.

"What's perfect daddy?" Aza asked leaning back to look at me.

"I just got a call saying I can move to pediatrics like I wanted. Remember I talked to you about trying to get out of the ER?"

She nodded yes.

"Well if all goes well and the group likes me I'll get to work there. That means I don't have to go into work till 9 and I'll always be done by 5. And I'll get an hour for lunch everyday."

"They're gonna love you daddy cause you're the best guy in the whole world that I know." She said hugging me and kissing me on the cheek.

"Awe thank you princess" I said tickling her.

"Come on let's get lunch" I said picking her up and heading to the kitchen.

Love Yourself: Little Azalea's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now