The Lavery Twins - Chapter 21

Start from the beginning

"Hey," Shane said, his eyes stopping on me as he sat on the arm rest I was sitting next to. I smiled.

Damian and Brandon were in a hushed conversation, whispering to each other, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, uh....guys, we have to tell you all something," Brandon muttered, "like, when everybody else gets here."

My heart stopped for a second, and I widened my eyes at Brandon and Damian. Are they seriously going to come out to us? On the day that we're supposed to be leaving this place? Brandon's eyes met mine, and I quickly shook my head. He tilted his head to the side in confusion, and then his jaw dropped when he realised that I knew.

"Um, we're going to be leaving soon," I said, emphasizing the word 'leaving'. Brandon frowned.

I'm not trying to be a bitch. Really, I'm just not sure if telling us now is the best. I know us girls won't mind.....well.....I remember that conversation with Morgan about her brother. There are some people who wouldn't be okay with it.

"We have to, though," Brandon said, his facial expression telling me not to worry, everything's going to be fine. I sighed in defeat.

Just then, the door slid open and Rachel and Ally came in. Ally caught me looking at her, and she just shrugged. OKAY THEN.

"Hi guys," Rachel said. She was in black Hollister track pants, a white tank top and a black cardigan. Her red hair was also in a ponytail, the first time I've seen her with her hair up.

"Hey Rachel," Morgan smiled. The guys said their hello's, and Rachel sat on the couch with Brandon and Damian.

"Um, I gotta go pack," Ally said, and then looked at me. "You do too, right?"

I nodded, and got up the couch. I accidently brushed Shane's leg as I walked by him, and I felt my cheeks redden as I felt his eyes on my back while I went up the stairs with Ally.

"Ally, what happened?" I asked as we walked into the room we were staying in. I spotted my opened bags on the bed, and I walked over to them. Ally started picking her clothes up from the floor.

"I was talking to Rachel," she said, picking up a lime-green tank top. "Don't worry....nothing happened, obviously. I just wanted her to know that I was sorry if I made her feel bad or something. I apologized, she apologized, even though she didn't have to. We just talked about random things, because we barely got to talk this whole trip."

"Oh," I nodded, opening the drawers where I put my clothes in. I grabbed all my t-shirts and threw them on the bed. "So, you two are cool now?"

"Yup, she said she wants us to come back next summer." Ally stuffed her shirts in her bag, and then chuckled. "I actually wanna go home. I can't really stay in the same place with the same people for too long, you know?"

"You can with me, though." I grinned, starting to put my stuff in the bags. I looked over at Ally, and she grimaced.

"Ew, no."

I rolled my eyes. "You're such a liar. I'm like, your other half."

"My bad half." Ally smirked at me. I whipped a shirt at her, just missing her face. Ally laughed and knelt down to pick it up.

"Here, you loser," she gave me back my shirt, and I chuckled, throwing the shirt in my bag.

For a moment, the two of us just kind of packed our stuff without talking. It wasn't awkward, though. Ally and I could go a whole day with silence, and it wouldn't be awkward because we can basically communicate without words.

I finished putting all my clothes in the bag, and zipped it up, glad the bag decided to cooperate with me as it zipped up nicely. I also grabbed all my toiletries and things I kept in the bathroom, along with my towel and hairdryer. Basically I just grabbed everything that was mine and packed it up.

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