The Lavery Twins - Chapter 13

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OKAY. So now I'm going to start doing everyone's point of view. I'm going to try to squeeze in everybody's POV....because i kind of think every character kind of links to another, in a way.


ladies and gentlemen! I present to you....

SHANE LAVERY'S P.O.V! *applause*

For now, it may seem like it's not mainly about the Lavery twins, but the whole point of the story is to see how being with the Lavery twins changes Holly's life. So, technically Holly doesn't HAVE to end up with them.... *creepy smile*.

Hmmm, maybe .... maybe not. You'll have to wait and see. I mean, you guys barely comment so how the heck am I supposed to know what you guys want? -_-

But yes. My storys are all over the place, it's just how I write. Sorry. :3

Now, if you want me to upload faster, and possibly better chapters, COMMENT. :) That's all I ask. xxx

Again, sorry for any mistakes *shrugs*.

Check out my tumblr! (Check out my profile for my current URL :D)

WARNING ABOUT TUMBLR PAGE ;; If you are easily scared or not fond of death, freaky or dark-ish things....i suggest you don't go on my tumblr page. Alot of people think my page is creepy......DAFUQ. My page is beautiful! *scowls and looks away*.

Whatever. I'm blabbering again, lol. I'm like drunk on jammers or something.... 0_0

*sorry for any mistakes, I'm a lazy hoe.*





Chapter 13.




"Shane!" Brandon shouted as he threw the football in my direction. I blinked a couple times and roughly caught the ball right before it smacked me right in the face. I winced at the rush.

"Jesus Brandon," I muttered, catching my balance. That was a pretty rough throw, a complete spiral.....right to my face. Thanks, Brandon.

We were outside, playing some catch at the front. Holly and Amber were sun-bathing on the grass, and Jordan and Matt were fixing someone's car. I think it was Amber's car. She said it was acting weird ever since she got here, and so she got the guys to see what was wrong. I, on the other hand, knew nothing about cars or anything I decided to play some football with Brandon. He's cool.

I yanked my arm back and threw the ball as hard as I could, trying to get him back for almost killing me. I wasn't a football kind of guy, though. Football's my brother's thing. I used to play soccer, but that's pretty much the closest I'll ever get to sports.

Although that was a pretty sexy throw. I patted myself on the back, and grinned at Brandon when he looked at me in disbelief.

"Wow, Shane!" Holly called from the grass, "I didn't know you had it in you!"

I raised an eyebrow and looked over at her. "I'm a beast, Holly," I told her, making her chuckle. I gotta admit, Holly's pretty cool when we're not fighting. To be honest, I've always liked fighting with her, too. It's fun to bug her because she over-reacts. I'm kind of over the whole Lets-Bug-Holly thing, and I think I'll just leave all that to Matt.

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