The Lavery Twins - Chapter 21

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Chapter 21.


I couldn't get any sleep last night. I was tossing and turning, I couldn't find a comforatable spot. It was hot, and my hair was matted to my forehead all night, and I was stuffed up. Ally, lucky bitch, slept like a motherfvcking baby.

I woke up at around 4:30 in the morning, feeling like death, and saw that my bestfriend took all the blankets. No matter how burning hot I was, I needed to be covered by blankets. End of story. So I went back to bed, and then finally got some sleep. I then woke up at around 11, when everybody else was up and about.

Today was the day we were leaving this place. It was time to go home, and although it's been a blast up in this place, we couldn't spend the whole summer here. Plus, it was July 1st, also known as Canada Day. In our town, they always had this Canada Day Carnival, with rides and fireworks. Ally and I went every year. My dad used to go with us when I was little, but usually when I get home around eleven or later, they still have fireworks going, and so my dad and I would sit outside and watch them until I fell asleep.

I sighed as I stared at my empty bags, ready to be packed up. I put my hands on my hips, and I could hear people laughing and whatnot from downstairs. I could mostly make out Matt making fun of Amber's voice, and I smirked.

Amber, Ally and I agreed that we'd just stop for Mcdonalds for breakfast on the road. Nobody was feeling like making a big breakfast today, and I could hear the faucet running in the kitchen as someone did the dishes leftover from last night.

I quickly skipped to the bathroom, and checked myself. I got some colour on my skin, and it almost seemed as if I was glowing. I smiled, and put my hair in a high messy bun. My hair was growing long, and in the Summer it was a pain to have let down. It kept sticking under my arm pits....which is weird.

I put my black bandana on my head before going downstairs. I was in jean shorts and a black tank top, already dressed. Everyone was just kind of chilling downstairs, some were cleaning. Morgan was the one doing the dishes, and Amber was sweeping. Brandon and Shane were fixing the recliners, making it look like they never slept there in the first place, and the rest were just kind of sitting there.

"Hey, guys," I announced awkwardly. I was always the last person downstairs. Everyone said their greetings, and I made my way to the living room, sitting at the end of the couch beside Jordan. I rested my arm on the arm rest, and Jordan smiled.

"Morning Aunt Jemima," he smirked, looking at my bandana. I chuckled, and Morgan smiled. I looked around, and noticed that not everybody was here. Matt, Ally, Rachel or Shane weren't here. Shane was just here a moment ago. Damian, Brandon, Morgan and Jordan were here in the living room with me, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Where's everybody?" I asked. Jordan shrugged. He was in a white Abercrombie t-shirt and jeans.

"Matt's getting his stuff, Shane's in the shower.....and uh....Rachel and Ally are outside," he looked at Morgan, "right?"

"Yeah," Morgan told me. "They're 'talking' about something."

My eyes widened, and Morgan nodded in agreement. I tried to look out the screen door to see if I could see them on the porch, but they were nowhere in sight. Suddenly, I felt a bit nervous. What could they be talking about? I thought Ally didn't like Rachel?

"SHANEY BOY!" Damian grinned as Shane came into the living room. His hair was wet from his shower, and he was in nothing but black skinny jeans. Gee, that's really supposed to help my situation right now. I swallowed, and when I was about to look away I found my eyes trailing down to his body. Wow, there must be something in the water up here.

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