The Lavery Twins - Chapter 12

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Hey guys, sorry for the delay ... again.

Things are hard, and it's difficult to keep track with wattpad.

I apologize for this crappy chapter. I had to rougly finish it before my parents came home. (I'm grounded....again.)

So yeah, next chapter FOR SURE will be a bit more interesting, and plot-like.

Sorry for any mistakes.....I'm lazy.



BUT....if you guys don't comment, i'm not going to upload. The more comments I get , the faster I upload. :)



Chapter 12.


I was the first person up around here. I woke up around nine-thirty, and everybody was still asleep. Even after I quickly showered, brushed my teeth and changed into shorts and an ACDC shirt, it was still dead around this place. I guess it was still a bit early, and we were all up pretty late last night.

I was in the kitchen, and I wasn't sure if I was allowed to go ahead and make myself some food. Shane and Brandon were passed out on the recliners in the living room, and I gotta admit -- they looked pretty damn comforatable with all the blankets and whatnot. Should I wait for everybody else? Would it be rude of me to stuff my face with some cereal while everybody was sleeping? Should I make breakfast?

Ah, frick that. I'm hungry.

I went to the fridge, and opened it, only to be exposed to a paradise of food. The fridge was practically overloaded with a bunch of stuff, and I grinned as I took out the milk. I have a feeling when everybody else is up, they're all going to make some breakfast, so I'll just settle for cereal until then.

I searched for a bowl and a spoon, and when I found what I needed, I prepared my cereal, humming to myself. On second thought, I hope nobody gets up right now, because I just realised how shitty I probably look. My hair was a mess, I had dark circles under my eyes, and when I looked in the mirror this morning, I seemed a bit paler than usual.

I'm turning into a vampire. Oh shit.

"She licked me like a lollipop," I sang, shaking my booty as I sloppily shoved the spoonfuls in my mouth. Milk was dripping down my chin. Attractive.

I held the spoon in front of my face, and looked at my distorted reflection. "You're sexy. I wanna eat you, MMMMM," I shoved the spoon in my mouth. I giggled after, and wiped my chin, wondering why the hell I just did that.

Suddenly, I heard a soft chuckle from behind me, and I froze. My eyes went wide, and I dropped the spoon into the bowl as I quickly turned around to see who was eavsdropping on me.

Rachel was sitting on the high stool at the island, laughing at me. She was wearing a black RUNAWAYS shirt with tiger-striped pyjama shorts, and Mocassin slippers, so she probably just got out of bed too. Her bright red hair was in a high messy bun, but she still managed to throw on some makeup. Derp.

"How much of that did you see?" I asked. Man, I should have known someone would come when I did that dance.

Rachel shrugged. "Enough to think you're a total weirdo."

Woah. WEIRDO? Pfft. Says the girl who was spying on me..

Instead of replying back or throwing something at her, I just shrugged and went back to eating my cereal, completely ignoring Rachel's presence.

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