The Lavery Twins - Chapter 3

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Alright guys. Just wanna say a few things first :)

#1 - If you don't like it , you don't have to read it.

#2 - This is only the third chapter , so anything can happen in the future....and trust me, it will.

#3 - Alot of you might think badly of the characters and whatever's happening so far.... but, like I said. It's just the third chapter , and I've been really bored lately so I want to write something fun. xD

#4 - Things are moving pretty fast so far LOL, but you know what ... it's a wattpad story, anything can happen.

#5 - Originally, I wrote one LONG ASSSSSSS chapter for chapter 3.....but it was WAY too long (like jeez) so I had to split it up :$ lol, whooops. So yeah, this chapter may be a little boring.

and #6 - ENJOY GUYS. I'm sorry I'm taking a while, because I've noticed I've been writing insanely long ass chapters. Hell, the previous chapter was 16 pages......dafuq?! So, I'll try to simmer down the length, but you know....whatever :P




Chapter 3.


I finally got my bestfriend in through her door, and she continued to giggle like a maniac.

"Holly," she laughed as she collapsed on her bed. I told her I'd stay the night with her since we were both pretty drunk.

It was really late. It was almost four in the morning, and I was about to pass out.

"Jace is sexy," Ally mumbled.


"I saw his penis," she whispered. I grimaced, and rolled my eyes.

"Okay Ally, you're drunk, just go to sleep." I think I sobered up a little when Shane and I passed out on the beach for a couple hours, and there's just been too much tonight. You know how we got home? We walked. Everyone walked, because there was barely anybody who didn't drink - so we all left our cars at the beach, planning to pick them up later today. Shane walked halfway with us, while Matt went somewhere else - probably to Lauren's place to finish what they started.

Ugh. Matt. I'm really pissed off at him. I mean, I know there's not much to get mad over, but the fact that he fully looked at me and smirked at me while he was shoving his tongue that slut's throat is what really got to me.

Like, honestly? What is that supposed to mean? Is he trying to mock me? Tease me?

I'm going to ignore him. I am officially sick of him and his stupid schemes. Stupid player - stupid horny little asshole. Stupid Matt.

When I looked at Ally, she was already passed out on the bed - still in her shorts and tank top.

I sighed, and just climbed into bed with her. Ally has a huge queen sized bed, so whenever I stay the night we just sleep on there together. I mean, the girl's like my sister, and I was too tired to worry about anything anyways.

As soon as my head hit the pillow sleep took over me.


* * *



"No!" I groaned, massaging my temples. I had a massive throbbing headache right now, and I kind of just wanted to die at the moment.

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