Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Jade’s P.O.V.

‘I'm sorry miss, you can’t come in the ambulance if you're not family.’ The annoying paediatric pushed me away from the ambulance.

‘WHAT?! Is he serious?! I love him! I know that now, but it might be too late. What if he wakes up and I'm not there? Will he care? I'm sure he doesn’t love me back; if he really did he wouldn’t have done this. Didn’t he think about me, or the lads, before he did this? I know I'm not meant to be mad at him, but this is so selfish of him!

No! I can’t be mad at him, I can be mad at Eleanor. Just the thought of her made me angry. I thought evil bitches only existed in movies, but it turns out their real.

‘Please sir, I really need to!’ I begged him, literally getting onto my knees.

‘Are you family?’ he asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

‘Not really, but-’ I was cut off.

‘Then you can’t come on the ambulance.’ He began to turn and walk away but I grabbed onto his leg for dear life.

‘BUT I LOVE HIM!’ I yelled into his face, tears streaming down my cheeks. Indecision clouded his eyes before he nodded his head slowly.

‘If my boss asks, you never met me.’ he said sternly as he pulled me up off of my knees. I thanked him and ran into the back of the ambulance. They had Louis hooked up to loads of machines and his arms were covered in bandages. He had his bare left leg raised and his kneecap looked like it was sliding involuntarily to the side. Louis was still out cold. I wanted nothing more than to hold his hand and tell him things would be all right, but I don’t know if they would be. What if things weren’t going to be all right? I couldn't lie to him. I could never lie, least of all to the man I love, even if it was for his own good.

We pulled up outside the hospital and he was rushed out of the ambulance. I jogged behind them but he was ushered into a room and the doors locked so I couldn't get in.

‘Are you a friend of Mr Tomlinson?’ a middle aged nurse asked me. I nodded sheepishly and she led me to a chair. I took a seat and so did she. ‘Mr Tomlinson-’

‘Call him Louis,’ I cut in, ‘he’s Louis, not Mr Tomlinson.’

‘Ok, well Louis has lost a lot of blood and is unconscious. He is going in for surgery to fix his kneecap as well as try and get some blood into his system. Luckily Louis is a very common blood type and we are in good supply, so we should be able to stabilise him.’

‘Will he be ok?’ I felt like a five year old asking this, but I felt like it was eating me from the inside out.

‘He hurt himself pretty bad.’ She took one of my hands in a motherly fashion. She rubbed her thumb on the outside of my hand. Just like I did to Louis last night. Jesus, was that only last night? It seemed like a lifetime ago…

‘You didn’t answer my question.’ I said blankly, not even trying to hold back the tears anymore.

‘That’s because I don’t want to get your hopes up. I recommend you prepare for the worst but hope for the best.’ And with a reassuring squeeze of my hand, she got up and stalked off with purpose in her stride down the hall.

Prepare for the worst but hope for the best.

What's that meant to mean? Is he going to be ok or… or… not? Why didn’t she be straight with me? They only do that when it doesn’t look good, right?

‘Hey babe, you ok?’ Harry’s concerned voice shocked me. He was sitting in the chair next to me. He had red puffy eyes and a Rudolph nose, not to mention the fact that he was just in his boxers and a coat. No shoes or shirt, just boxers and a jacket. If I didn’t feel like killing myself right now I would have laughed at him.

‘He’s going under the knife.’ I said, avoiding the question.

‘Yeah, I heard. And I'm taking that as a no.’ he wrapped his arms around me and I finally let myself sob openly into his bare chest. He plays with my no doubt crazy hair as I blubber into him. I felt his shoulders shudder a few times and a wetness on my forehead where one of his salty tears hit.

I felt strong arms wrap around the both of us and I looked over to see Liam. But not the Liam I knew. This Liam also had red puffy eyes and his beautiful chocolate eyes were clouded with worry and sadness. I didn’t like this Liam. He scared me.

Niall was standing behind him with his head in his hands. His shoulders were shaking too, but Zayn hadn’t shed a tear yet. He looked to be in shock. Just when I started to question if he was a robot, he burst spontaneously into floods of loud tears. Niall went over to give him a warm embrace. I buried my head into Harry’s chest once more. I felt my eyes grow heavier as I studied his shallow, unsteady breaths.


‘I'm better off here Jade. I'm happy here, and you don’t have to put up with me anymore.’ Louis said from a white light. His already angelic features were illuminated due to the blinding brightness of the hole out of which he was speaking.

‘Louis, I need you. I love you. Take me with you.’ I begged him.

‘You don’t love me really, you just need a friend.’ He smiled his heart-stopping smile at me.

‘I have friends! I don’t need them, I need you.’ He seemed to be drifting further and further away from me. Holding onto him was like trying to hold air in your hands.

‘What friends? I don’t see anyone with you now.’ His voice grew more distant with each word his perfect mouth said.

I looked around. I seemed to be in some dark box. The only ray of light was the one Louis was in, if he left I would be submerged into complete and utter darkness.

Louis was my ray of hope.

‘Jade! Jade wake up, he’s out! Jade, come on Jade, do it for Lou.’ Niall gently shook my shoulders. My eyelids fluttered open to stare at the Mullingar boy. All of that was a dream? It seemed so real!

I shot up and ran to Liam’s damaged frame that was standing next to a nurse. All of the other lads were there too. Once the nurse noticed that me and Niall had arrived, she started talking.

‘Now that we are all here, I have some news about Louis Tomlinson…’

Yeah, im uploading at 12:35, you mad brah? no? good. sorry it was short and shitty, i have no excuse for it to be honest. COMMENT vote FAN??

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