Chapter 4

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Chapter 4



‘Shit…’ Niall mumbled from the bathroom where he was making all of the noise.


‘Fuck!’ he said a little but louder. He was then rustling through a bag full of metal objects. He obviously still thinks I'm asleep, but how could you bloody sleep while he is doing that? I can tell you something, it’s getting on my nerves…


‘Ballsack!’ he said loudly. Ok, I will give him one more chance before I blow my top…





 ‘For fuck sake Niall would you SHUT UP!’I get louder as I go on. He pops his head out of the en suite to give me an apologetic look.

‘Sorry, I can’t find my phone…’ he went back to making a racket.

‘What is it with you boys and loosing phones?’ I asked and he laughed.

‘Dunno, but I'm glad Louis lost his.’ Niall came over and got into bed as I sat up.

‘I am too.’ I smiled at him as he threw his arm over my shoulder.

‘Bit of a lucky mistake, ay?’ he whispered to me as he kissed the top of my head in a loving way.

‘Yeah, I guess it was. Do you guys have to leave today?’ I asked, looking up to him with sorrowful eyes. I didn’t want them to leave, I didn’t have any friends in London and it was nice to have someone to talk to. I have loads of friends in Manchester, where I originally come from, but they are all gone off to various colleges. They didn’t have time for poor old Jade anymore… depressing really…

‘Nah, we have few days’ break, thank god.’ He smiled at me.

‘Aren’t you going to see your family?’ I asked, knotting my eyebrows together.

‘I am with my family, besides I come from Ireland, I would have to get a plane for a less than 24 hour visit.’ he ruffled my hair as he stood up, leaving me feeling cold. ‘Now come on, Liam made pancakes.’

I hopped out of bed and grabbed his hand before running to the kitchen. He dragged behind me laughing. I walked into the kitchen and all of their heads shot up to look at me.

‘Someone looks hot, and it’s not me for once.’ Zayn smiled down at m as he came over for a hug. I gave him one gladly.

‘Yes, because I feel my sexiest when I'm wearing sweats.’ I raised an eyebrow at him.

‘But you can pull it off. Pancake?’ Harry threw a pancake at me. He obviously thought I wouldn’t catch it and get mad at him, but since I have cat-like reflexes, I caught it in my hand and stuffed it in my mouth. His face was priceless, he was truly stunned.

‘You really aren’t a normal girl are you?’ Louis laughed and I shook my head. I most certainly am not a normal girl. I’d be boring if I was.

‘What's the plan for today lads?’ Niall asked as Liam flipped another pancake.

‘I’m taking Danielle out.’ Liam smiled contently to himself.

‘Aww, our little old Liam is all in love!’ Louis went over and picked him up from behind and started spinning him around from behind.

‘Yes I am.’ He pulled Louis into a hug after he let him down. All of the boys looked at him with shocked faces.

‘Seriously dude? I thought we had something. All of the LiLo shippers will be devastated.’ Louis joked as he pulled out of the hug, making us all laugh.

‘So if Liam’s going out with his one true love, how does a movie day sound? Harry Potter fest?’ Harry suggested. I got really excited about this, considering I am such a big Harry Potter fan. I started nodding my head frantically and the others laughed at me.

‘Well if Jade approves, then it’s decided.’ Niall grabbed my hands and led me to the couch. I plopped down next to him and he wrapped me in his arms. I relaxed into him as Harry put in the DVD. Louis sat beside me and put a blanket around us. I was warm and toasty and with people who actually wanted me around, which was a welcome change. Normally people felt sorry for me because I wasn't a normal girl but I liked not being a normal girl because if every girl was a normal girl then normal wouldn’t be classified normal so everybody would be abnormal. That sentence proves that I'm not normal.

‘I love the theme tune.’ Harry observed, humming lightly to it.

‘It reminds me of home. We used to always watch this at home.’ Niall smiled. I squeezed his hand and he looked up at me with watery eyes.

‘You ok?’ I asked frowning.

‘Yeah, I just miss my family, that’s all.’ he smiled weakly at me. I gave him a reassuring smile and cuddled him closer so his head was on my shoulder. Niall and I are becoming rather close, which I didn’t mind in the slightest. He is such a nice guy and he makes me laugh until I cry. But all of the boys are nice and make me laugh, I don’t know how to word it but I just love spending time with them.


‘HARRY NO! HE’S GOING TO KILL YOU! RUN FOUR EYES!’ Louis shouted at the TV just before Voldemort was about to kill Harry is Deathly Hallows P2.

‘He can’t hear you Lou.’ Harry laughed and shook his head.

‘So? Are you telling me I cannot voice my opinion now?’ Louis cocked an eyebrow at him.

‘No, I'm saying that it doesn’t matter even if you do voice your opinion, Harry will still die.’ Harry got all up in Louis’ face. They had a staring competition for a few seconds before they both burst out laughing. Those guys are crazy…

‘What’s for dinner lads? I'm hungry.’ Niall complained. We had sat through 4 movies, all about 2 and a half hours long, while only eating popcorn, cold pizza and cookies, so I'm not surprised they were fairly hungry. I never really got hungry though, and when I do I normally have a Pot Noodle or beans on toast. I pretty much lived off of those two things.

‘Yeah, I'm hungry too. What’re we ordering guys?’ Liam asked. He had a phone in his hand, ready to call any of the take outs from the surrounding area.

‘PIZZA!’ Niall shouted.

‘TACOS!’ Harry whined.

‘Chinese.’ Zayn said calmly. That fella always seemed to be calm.

‘FISH AND CHIPS!’ Louis screeched, getting up to jump on the couch.

‘I think we should let the gust decide.’ Liam laughed, looking over to Louis who was pretending to be a gorilla.

‘Am… Maybe… I'm gonna go… fish and chips.’ I scratched my chin before deciding. Louis shouted and started fist pumping, causing us all to laugh.

‘I LOVE YOU JADE POWERS!’ he shouted as he sat down to give me a hug. The second his skin touched mine I felt a warm sensation erupt throughout my whole body, causing me to shiver slightly. He wrapped me into his warm arms and sighed into my hair. His breath warmed my scalp and chilled it when he inhaled. I wrapped my arms around him and just enjoyed the closeness we were sharing.

‘Hem hem.’ Harry coughed, snapping me and Louis out of our state. Louis pulled away but still kept his beautiful eyes locked onto mine. There was confusion plastered all over his face.

‘I have to go and ring Eleanor…’ he trailed off. Eleanor? Who’s Eleanor?

Short, crappy chapter, but comment/vote/fan/love if you want! I love comments, i feed on your comments so please comment unless you want me to starve :) When i saw the pic on the side my knees literally went weak, so i thought i would share it with you all! x

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