The SepticNate Ending

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Sean stared at the ring on his palm, then slipped it into his pocket as Sam came back from the bathroom. She set the first aid kit down on the counter and Sean pulled it away from her. Sam pouted at him, before trying to reach for it saying. "Dad! What are you doing"? Sean kept the box out of her reach, telling her with a smile. "I can take care of myself. You should go". Sam stopped trying to take the box, looking a little worried as she said. "I know you can. I just want to be sure you do it". Sean leaned in his kiss her forehead, before telling her casually. "Sammy, go. I got this". Sam sighed stubbornly, but started to back up one reluctant step at a time. Sean smiled at her, making a show of pulling the first aid kit closer. The minute he actually started to clean his knuckles and wrap them up, she started to slowly leave. 

He needed her to know that he would be ok. That he could take care of himself. Sam reached the front door, before she turned around to tell him sweetly. "I love you, Daddy". Cutting a strip of bandage, Sean looked up with a smile to answer just as sweetly. "I love you too, Sammy. Have fun... but not too much fun". Sam giggled softly as closed the door behind her. Leaving Sean to stare at the mess of broken glass. Putting his hands on his hips, he sighed heavily. Dropping his hands, he reached out to turn on the radio on the kitchen counter. When the music was loud enough to block out the noise, he moved to the closet to retrieve the broom. Moving into the living room, he picked up the broken coffee table to set it out of the way. Then he just started to carefully sweep up the glass.

To be sure that he got all the glass in the living room, he decided to vacuum. The loud noise drowning out the sound of the back door opening. When Sean turned off the vacuum, he turned and jumped back startled. Nate was leaning against the frame of the sliding back door, asking him a little disheartened. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you...". Sean's heart was starting to race a bit. Nate looked like... Natemare. Right down to the purplish blue paint down his cheeks. It was unsettling, but a striking look on him. Sean turned his music down, then curiously asked him. "How did you get in my backyard"? Nate weakly gestured toward his house, mumbling out. "It's a long story... but to get to the point... I jumped the fence. Can I stay here for a bit"? Sean moved closer, leaning his hip against his kitchen counter as he asked him gently. "Sure. What's wrong"? Nate sighed heavily, before resting his head against the door and mumbling out. "I'm sure Mark has told you about Matthew"? Sean nodded, waiting for Nate to continue.

Nate looked away and his long bangs fell to hide his eyes from view. In a strained voice, Nate told him. "Mark helped me track him down. I was so excited to see him after so long. He seemed to feel the same... Until he arrived at my house about an hour ago with his wife". Sean could only imagine what that felt like... and it hurt. Sean straightened up off his counter, softly stating to him. "Sounds like you need a drink. Your day is going about as well as mine". Sean casually walked to his sink, opening the cabinet beneath to remove a bottle of Jack Daniels. Setting it on the counter, he pulled down two small glasses from the upper cabinets. While Nate moved farther into the house, saying grimly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come here and unload my burdens on you. I just... I don't have anyone else".

Sean poured a straight shot or two into each glass, before taking it over to Nate. Nate's fingers looked red and felt so cold as they brushed over his to take the glass. Sean watched Nate stare into the glass with a forlorn look, telling him lightly. "It's fine. You only just missed my meltdown". A smile spread across Nate's face as he gestured to the broken glass in the hallway, saying casually. "Must have been quite a show". Sean chuckled lightly, taking a seat beside Nate on the couch as he replied. "Oh, ya. I meant to redecorate anyway". Nate chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. Sean took a sip of his own glass, when Nate sighed loudly and stated out calmly. "I'm so tired of wearing a mask. It only gets heavier the stronger it gets. It's driving me mad". Nate closed his eyes and Sean's heart skipped. Was it wrong to think that Nate looked attractive right now?

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