Part 18

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Sean kept shifting around on his bed.  His body felt tired, but his mind was wide awake.  He couldn't get the image of Nate out of his head.  Groaning softly to himself, Sean rolled onto his bed to stare up into the darkness that hid his ceiling.  His eyes drifted to the digital clock on his bedside table.  Three am.  Sam should be out cold right now.  He told himself that he was just sexually frustrated.  He just needed to get it out of his system and he'd be fine.  Free to finally sleep.  Sean draped his hand over his chest, letting his hand slowly slip under the blankets.  He always felt dirty doing this, but as long as he kept quiet than Sam would never know.  His hand drifted down his stomach to his jeans.  He knew he should have undressed before bed, but it was too late now.  Closing his eyes, he let his fingers slowly unbutton his jeans. 

He was just starting to reach for his zipper, when a warm hand slid over his.  Sean's breath caught in his throat.  Was he awake or dreaming?  He was afraid to even open his eyes as a familiar voice purred over his lips.  "Let me do that".  Sean felt the man's hand slide under his.  The man's long fingers slowly prying his zipper open to let his fingers sink in to seek the warm between his legs.  Sean gasped as the man's fingers slid in along the sides of his hardening cock.  Sean arched back against the bed, his eyes opening to stare up into the man's face.  It was Nate.  Only... slightly different.  Nate's eyes were darker.  From the corner of his eyes a blue line ran down to his jaw like war paint.  Sean swallowed, part of him wanted to be afraid.  Was this real, or a nightmare?  It felt so real.  While another part of him felt strangely calm.  Nate closed his eyes and began to hum a strange slow eerie tune. 

Sean found himself smirking as a name escaped his lips in a soft whisper that seemed to echo in the dark room.  "Natemare"?  Natemare's eyes flicked open and his humming stopped.  Sean licked his dry lips, watching Natemare slowly lean over him to mold his lips to his tenderly.  Sean whimpered softly as Natemare took complete control over the kiss.  He wanted to resist, but when he put a hand to Natemare's shoulder... Natemare bit his lower lip.  Sean winced, his fingers digging into Natemare's black shirt.  Natemare's tongue lightly brushed over Sean's bleeding lip, before he whispered in a very soft voice.  "Oh, we're going to have so much fun together".  Sean felt Natemare's fingers creep under the elastic of his boxers to curl menacingly around his shaft, making Sean's hands fly up to smack the headboard with a loud 'Bang'! 

Sean's fingers clawed against the wooden headboard as he tried to suppress a moan in his throat.  Sean barely felt the blanket being ripped off the bed as the room began to fill with fog.  Natemare shifted over the bed to brace himself over Sean like a hungry predator as the fingers of his hand kept coaxing Sean to grow harder.  Sean bit down on his own lip trying to suppress the moans that Natemare was milking from him.  Only it was getting harder too as Natemare leaned in to flick a tongue teasing into his pierced earlobe.  Sean gritted his teeth, trying to tell himself that this was just a dream.  That he could control it.  Although, he was feeling far from in control!  Natemare pressed his warm lips to Sean's chilled ear, humming so loudly that it was making Sean's ear vibrate and sending goosebumps down his arms. 

Sean groaned, taking a hand off the headboard to grab ahold of Natemare's jaw and throat.  Sean thought Natemare would resist, but instead he allowed him to turn his head into his needy sinful kiss.  Sean's heart was racing and his body had shut out all manner of thought.  He just wanted to sink deeper into whatever this was.  He didn't care anymore.  It felt too good to be bad.  That's when a strong hand grabbed his other wrist away from the headboard.  Sean jerked away from Natemare's kiss in surprise to see another man standing beside the bed.  The new man pressed Sean's fingers to his lips, his warm breath puffing against them as he told Natemare in a deep commanding voice.  "Move down, Natemare. It's my turn".  Natemare reluctantly crawled backward, but it only made Sean anxious.  Natemare was starting to tug at his jeans to pull them off. 

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