The Septiplier Ending

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Sean stared at the ring on his palm, then slipped it into his pocket as Sam came back from the bathroom. She set the first aid kit down on the counter and Sean pulled it away from her. Sam pouted at him, before trying to reach for it saying. "Dad! What are you doing"? Sean kept the box out of her reach, telling her with a smile. "I can take care of myself. You should go". Sam stopped trying to take the box, looking a little worried as she said. "I know you can. I just want to be sure you do it". Sean leaned in his kiss her forehead, before telling her casually. "Sammy, go. I got this". Sam sighed stubbornly, but started to back up one reluctant step at a time. Sean smiled at her, making a show of pulling the first aid kit closer. The minute he actually started to clean his knuckles and wrap them up, she started to slowly leave. 

He needed her to know that he would be ok. That he could take care of himself. Sam reached the front door, before she turned around to tell him sweetly. "I love you, Daddy". Cutting a strip of bandage, Sean looked up with a smile to answer just as sweetly. "I love you too, Sammy. Have fun... but not too much fun". Sam giggled softly as closed the door behind her. Leaving Sean to stare at the mess of broken glass. Putting his hands on his hips, he sighed heavily. Dropping his hands, he reached out to turn on the radio on the kitchen counter. When the music was loud enough to block out the noise, he moved to the closet to retrieve the broom. Moving into the living room, he picked up the broken coffee table to set it out of the way. Then he just started to carefully sweep up the glass.

To be sure that he got all the glass in the living room, he decided to vacuum. The loud noise drowning out the sound of the front door opening. When Sean turned off the vacuum, he turned and jumped back. Stumbling down onto the couch as Mark chuckled. Sean relaxed against the couch, panting out defensively. "Don't do that"! Mark leaned off the wall to walk into the living room, saying casually. "I did knock and ringed the door bell. I just wanted to be sure you were alright". Sean leaned over his knees, answering honestly. "Ya. I'm good. I just...". Sean didn't know how to finish, but Mark did. Mark moved a little closer, telling him in a low voice. "You just needed to work through it on your own". Sean nodded. Mark nervously shifted, adding in regretfully. "I'm sorry, If anything I said...or did hurt you. I was just playing around, but sometimes I get a little too... into the moment".

Sean shrugged, answering calmly. "You didn't bring up anything that I wasn't already aware of. Truth is, when Signe died... I never let myself feel it. I kept thinking that if I held onto her that she would come back. Sam was so young... I couldn't... I couldn't let her see me break. I didn't want her to think that I blamed her for the accident. I didn't want to move on, because I don't want to forget her". Mark slipped down on the couch beside him, softly replying. "I felt the same way when my dad died. I shut everything out. I felt numb. Then when I finally broke down and felt his loss after so long... I felt better. Trust me, you'll never forget her. But don't you think that she'd want you to be happy again"? Sean smirked, before anxiously changing the subject by asking. "So, no hard feelings about shoving you"?

Mark gently nudged Sean with his shoulder, answering with a smile. "No. We're good". Sean patted Mark's leg, standing up as he asked cheerfully. "Good. You want some coffee"? Mark's hand snatched his wrist, before he could move away and Sean looked back. Mark was staring at his hand, stating in a low voice. "Did you lose your ring"? Sean blushed a bit, slowly pulling his hand away as he answered. "No. I thought it was time to take it off". Sean moved toward the kitchen a bit quickly. He was feeling so nervous for some reason. He reached the coffee pot and started to fumble with it, when Mark asked him. "Sean? Am I making you uncomfortable? Do you want me to leave"? Sean snorted, glancing back and immediately regretted it. Mark had propped himself against the arm of the couch, staring back at him with those powerful dark eyes of his.

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