Part 20

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Sean felt like his insides had slipped from his body to hit the floor.  Biting his lip awkwardly, Sean glared at Sam.  She flashed him another innocent smile, starting to scoot toward her bedroom step by step.  Sean slowly turned in her direction, telling her through clenched teeth.  "Keep it up, Tattle Tale. You have to sleep sometime".  Sam rolled her eyes, turning casually for her room and then draping herself against the wall as she moaned out playfully.  "OH Natemare! Not there"!  Sean cringed, listening to Mark chuckle.  Then dashed off after Sam as fast as he could.  Sam let out a scream and ran for her room.  She just barely got the door closed, when Sean slammed his body into it.  Sean heard the door lock, but growled out to her.  "How about I stash a tarantula in your room"! 

Sam giggled on the other side, answering playfully.  "You'll never get me to open this door"!  Sean smirked, glancing down the hall as he smugly stated aloud.  "I got two words for you, Samantha. Skeleton key".  There was a brief silence, before Sam innocently called out to him through the door.  "I love you, Daddy".  Sean rolled his eyes with a smile, but it quickly turned into a blush the moment he looked back down the hall.  Mark was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.  A smug smile pulling at his face, when he asked Sean casually.  "Natemare? Am I to assume that he wasn't trying to hurt you in your nightmare with him"?  Sean cleared his throat, meekly trying to pass him for the front door as he muttering out uneasily.  "Didn't you say that you needed to carve pumpkins? We should do that now". 

As Sean got closer, Mark unfolded his arm to block his path to the door.  Sean stopped cold and swallowed nervously.  He really didn't want to have this conversation with Mark or Nate.  He would get Sam back for this somehow.  He didn't even dare look in Mark's direction.  He was afraid the guilt was written all over his face.  Plus, what if he looked into Mark's eyes and found himself thinking about the man who looked like him from his dream?  He just wanted to brush his dream as a sexual fantasy under the rug and move on.  Mark leaned in closer to his shoulder then to ask him in a low whisper.  "I'd love to hear what he did in your nightmare. Sounds much more interesting, than what Felix claimed he did".  Sean chuckled nervously, licking his dry lips when he asked.  "What did he do in Felix's nightmare"? 

Mark didn't move and his voice seemed to turn deeper as he whispered curtly.  "Supposedly sang to him on a roof top, before pushing him off. Why"?  Sean shrugged uneasily, stating shakily.  "He did the same to me".  Sean quickly ducked under Mark's arm, heading for the door.  Mark casually followed him out and Sean closed the door behind them.  Sean hoped that the conversation had been satisfied and Mark would drop it.  Instead, Mark asked him in a strange tone of voice.  "So, is that what you like? Bad boys"?  Sean stopped on Mark's lawn a bit startled to hear that.  He hadn't seen it before... but it was clear to him now.  Mark was jealous.  Jealous of his dream with Natemare.  He was jealous of Nate.  Mark stopped to glance back at him.  The second their eyes finally met, Sean told him meekly.  "Why would you think that"? 

Mark raised an eyebrow and gestured to his outfit, answering gently.  "Well, you look like a bad boy that got his throat slit by another, for starters. Then there is your 'not-so-innocent' dream with Natemare. Who is just a mental image of Nate. Who himself is a bit of a rebel. So, I just figured that was your type of guy. Am I wrong"?  Sean wanted to disagree, but now that Mark had brought it to light... He wasn't really wrong.  He always liked women with a fun and uplifting personality, but his taste in men did seem to run in the complete opposite direction.  There was only one thing that Mark and Nate both had in common.  Sean blushed, turning his eyes to the ground as he moved passed him, mumbling out.  "Well, it sounds bad when you say it like that. But it doesn't really have anything to do with that. You're both just confident guys". 

Sean stopped at Mark's door, turning to see Mark smirking at him with smug narrowed eyes.  Sean shrugged at him, asking a bit forcefully.  "What"?!  Mark cleared his throat, trying to suppress a smile as he moved closer to open the door, saying to him in a smug voice.  "Could it be that were both Asian"?  Sean had to look away from Mark quickly as his blush burned across his face to the tips of his ears.  Why did Mark have to be so observant?  Was that why he was a cop?  Sean slipped quickly into the house, trying to put some room between him and Mark.  He needed room to breathe and Mark's smug aura was starting to suffocate him.  Stumbling into the house, Sean moved into the living room.  Behind him, Mark chuckled warmly.  Sean leaned his hips against the back of the couch, desperate to change the subject. 

To which, he asked Mark a bit nervously.  "About those pumpkins..."?  Sean's heart skipped as he watched Mark move into the room so casually.  Mark appeared to be so proud of himself for some reason.  Mark walked right up to him and Sean could only stare at him.  Sean's brain was racing with wild thoughts.  His mind kept giving him flashes of the Dark Mark from his dream.  This smug confidence and the way he gestured to something that was behind him.  It made him feel a bit apprehensive to turn around.  The last time he turned his attention away from the Dark Mark in his dream, he had blindfolded him and...  Sean's thoughts cut off and he turned to look behind him.  He was being silly.  Behind him on the coffee table, that was in front of the couch, sat a few pumpkins that were already set up to be craved. 

Sean giggled, feeling Mark pat his shoulder as he told him with a small laugh of his own.  "They're right there. You didn't see them"?  Sean watched Mark move around the couch to sit down, before he mumbled to himself.  "Ya, I guess I wasn't looking at them".  Sean moved around the couch to take a seat next to him.  He didn't know why he felt so uneasy.  Was he expecting something to happen?  His dream had really sank its teeth into him.  Sean picked up the carving knife and shivered.  Hadn't the Dark Mark wielded a knife like this, before he woke up?  Was that a sign or just a strange coincidence?  Mark had begun to carve into his pumpkin, asking Sean casually.  "I meant to ask earlier. What are you dressed as"?  Sean shifted to the edge of the couch and slowly pushed the large knife into the pumpkin as he answered calmly.  "Oh, I just felt inspired to make an Anti-me. I didn't have time this year to think of anything else.  Between the move and settling in". 

Mark turned his head to look at him over his shoulder, giving him a wicked smirk.  Then when he turned away to continue carving, he told Sean simply.  "Anti, huh? Did your character slit your throat or is cutting a fetish of his"?  Sean stopped carving to look up at Mark.  Why did that sound funny coming from him?  Was his mind just overacting right now?  Sean opened his mouth to say something, when Tim came down the hall, telling Mark nonchalantly.  "Dad? I'm going to head out now. Alright"?  Mark stopped carving, looking up at Tim as he said a little grossed out.  "Tim...? Did you wash your hands"?  Tim slowed to a stop by the kitchen counter.  Slowly turning to face them with curious eyes, when he asked suspiciously.  "What? Why would you ask me that"?  Mark rolled his eyes, sighing reluctantly, before saying tenderly.  "Tim. Don't make me answer that. Just say yes or no". 

Tim blinked a moment before it sank in.  Tim's expression fell slightly and he cringed, whining back embarrassed.  "DAD! What did you think I was doing in there"?!  Sean smirked, gesturing with his hand behind Mark's back.  Tim's eyes grew wide and Mark turned to see what Tim was looking at.  Sean dropped his hand, sharing a chuckle with Mark.  Tim gawked at the two of them, his voice cracking a bit as he snapped out.  "I WAS NOT"!  Mark waved a hand to calm Tim down, before adding gently.  "I know. I can see now that you were putting on your costume. We're just kidding".  Tim shot them a sour look, pulling a basket off the counter as he grumbled out.  "You never embarrassed Barry when you found out that porn crashed his computer...".  Mark leaned closer to Sean to whisper in an undertone.  "Barry's screen didn't freeze on a hentai image. How am I suppose to explain that to a computer tech"?  Both of them shared a laugh, while Tim rolled his eyes and headed for the door.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

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