Part 4

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Sean couldn't help keeping his eyes on Sam for a bit.  She had the towel that she had planned to give Nate... but this boy had clearly stolen her attention.  They looked to be about the same age.  He preferred it if she would go back to drooling over Nate.  Nate felt like a safer option.  He was older and more responsible.  Younger boys were just... trouble.  The boy leaned in to whisper something into her ear and Sean felt his hand curl into a tight fist.  This kid was going to learn fast how protective he was over his baby girl.  Quickly making his way over to them, he rose to his full height.  The boy leaned back with a smile and Sam giggled at whatever he had said.  When the boy caught him standing there, he gave him a nervous smirk and took a step away from her. 

Sam watched his action a little confused, before she turned around to look see him standing there.  She gave him an innocent smile, asking sweetly.  "Hey, Daddy. Have you met Tim"?  Tim nervously extended a hand to him, politely telling him.  "Hello, Mr. Mcloughlin. It's a pleasure to meet you".  Sean didn't extend his hand.  He just kept his eyes on Tim, reading his eyes.  He looked innocent enough... but he didn't trust any boy around his daughter.  Sam gently jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow, muttering out softly.  "Dad? You're being rude".  Sean sighed reluctantly and reached out to take Tim's hand.  Squeezing it only a little as he told Tim firmly.  "The pleasure is all mine... Tim".  He hoped the hint was there as he stared down Tim.  Beside him, Sam put a hand to her blushing face. 

When he released Tim's hand, Tim rubbed his hand, sweetly telling him.  "I got you loud and clear, Sir".  Another man walked over to them, telling Sean with a chuckle.  "Oh, you don't have to worry about Tim. He's a good kid".  Sean broke eye contact with Tim to give this new man a doubtful look.  The man grinned back at him, extending his own hand as he told him happily.  "Sorry, I'm Matthias. I overheard your little conversation and couldn't help myself. I've got a daughter of my own".  Sean shook his hand, noticing the ring on Matthias's left hand as he gestured toward a woman and small girl at a table.  With a warm grin, Matthias told him aloud.  "That's my wife there with our daughter Luna. I'm dreading the day I have to chase the boys from her. She's still young though. So, I've got some time". 

Sean felt something brush his arm and quickly turned to see Samantha pulling Tim away as fast as she could.  Matthias drew his attention back, when he asked curiously.  "So, Where is your wife today"?  Sean felt a sharp stab and didn't answer.  Matthias pointed toward his ring and Sean's hand shook as he looked down at it.  He didn't want to answer, but he forced himself to answer a bit distant.  "She's... Not with us anymore".  The smile fell from Matthias's face, when he tenderly replied.  "Oh, man. I'm so sorry".  Sean looked up from his ring to give Matthias a forced smile, telling him in a lighter tone.  "It's alright. It happened a long time ago. I just... I never took it off".  The mood shifted as a few guys arrived through the gate, calling out after Nate.  "Hey! Sorry we're late! We got caught up in a few things on the way here. Nate? Why are you wet"?

Everyone chuckled as Nate shot back defensively.  "They did this to me! I'm afraid to even try playing tonight! I don't wanna risk getting electrocuted"!  The guys began to chuckle as Sam pitifully pleaded out to him.  "Oh no! Please, play Nate"?!  Sean rolled his eyes and Matthias chuckled softly.  Sam dashed over to hand Nate the towel, giving him her best puppy eyes.  Nate gave her a smile and chatted with her in a voice too low for him to hear as he dried his hair.  A drenched Mark walked over to join them, telling Matthias with a smile.  "Nate better start singing quick, before Felix decides too. Remember last Friday? He sounded like a dying goose trying to sing 'Take On Me".  Felix passed by behind Mark, swatting him upside the head and playfully snipping out.  "Ha! Ha! At least, I had the courage to try, Mark"! 

Matthias almost spit his beer across the lawn as Mark flicked him off and playfully shot back.  "You did. And I had the courage to sit through it".  Sean shook his head, just listening to them.  They were all such close friends.  He hadn't had that since college with his band.  The moment Mark turned back to them, he told Sean excitedly.  "I don't think I've met you yet. Hello, I'm Mark".  Sean took his hand and tried not to blush as he answered a bit shyly.  "I'm Sean".  How could Mark feel so warm after falling into a pool?  Mark pointed over toward Sam and Tim, who were chatting by the dessert table, telling him with a chuckle.  "I don't think I've ever seen Tim take to a girl so fast. Your daughter must be something special".  Sean watched Sam talk excitedly about something with Tim, before simply nodding back to Mark.  Sam was very special.  No matter how old she got... She was always his bouncing baby girl.

Nate drew their attention as he walked up onto a small raised platform and tested the mic.  His friends tested their own equipment as Nate told everyone.  "Let's hope I'm dry enough".  From across the yard, Tim yelled back playfully.  "Let's hope your guitar is dry enough"!  Nate pulled the mic off the stand, playfully commenting back.  "That too".  Everyone let out soft chuckles as Nate carefully plugged in his guitar and asked into the mic.  "Alright. What do you want to hear"?  Everyone began to call out a song, until a woman standing with her arm around Felix called out in a soft spoken voice.  "Wait! I think we should let Luna decide"!  Luna's eyes grew big and she tried to sink behind the table.  Nate kneeled down on the platform, waving her over with a coaxing smile. 

Slipping from her seat, Luna shyly made her way over toward Nate to whisper it in his ear.  Luna was the youngest person at this party.  So, Sean wasn't against her picking something.  No one else seemed to mind either.  When Luna backed away from Nate, he grinned and told her confidently.  "I can do that one".  He turned to his band to tell them and set the mic back into the stand.  Mark distracted Sean by handing him an icy beer and whispering into his ear.  "Welcome to the neighborhood".  Sean thought he might drop the bottle.  Mark's deep voice made him tingle in ways he hadn't felt since Signe.  Sean had to turn away to keep Mark from hopefully seeing his burning cheeks as the music began to play.  Luna had chosen the song 'Try Everything' and Nate did a rock cover rendition of it.    

As the music roared throughout the neighborhood, everyone started to dance or sing along.  Luna was the most excited as Matthias ran out to dance with her.  Sean tapped his foot to the beat, when his eyes drifted to Sam.  She was dancing with Tim.  They looked so happy together as they laughed and sang along.  The way Tim twirled her around and held her respectably close.  Sean took a swig from his beer bottle.  Sam was growing up and he knew he'd have to let her go eventually, but he still wanted to keep her as his little girl forever.  He wanted to keep her safe.  As the music faded out, Sean watched Tim nervously kiss the back of Sam's hand.  Sean gulped down his beer and forced himself to take a deep breath. 

Beside him, Mark leaned in to tell him playfully.  "I won't stop you if you want to go and put the fear of god into the boy".  Sean smirked as everyone cheered and begged Nate for more.  He wasn't sure Mark could hear him, but he answered whole-heartedly.  "No. I can't keep her forever. I've got to learn to let her go".  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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