Part 9

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When Nate finished, Sean lowered the camcorder unable to say a word.  Nate was quite a performer.  It made sense why his daughter found him so attractive.  He was starting to find him attractive himself.  Sean handed Nate the camcorder and Nate smirked, telling him sweetly.  "Thanks man. You don't know what this means to me".  Sean shrugged, replying innocently.  "Don't worry about it. I was happy to do it".  Nate set the camcorder down on his desk and beckoned for him to follow him out into the hall.  Curiously, Sean followed him to a room a little ways down the hall.  Nate opened the door and leaned back against it, pointing to something farther in the room.  Carefully, Sean slipped past Nate and into the room.  Staring at the drum set in the back of the room, Sean forgot how to breathe.  Slowly, he approached it with a smile. 

Reaching out he let his fingers run over the bright metal.  He couldn't remember the last time he touched one.  It didn't matter though.  His fingers seemed to distinctively recall the sensations the longer he let them linger.  Moving around to the stool, his hand hesitated as he reached to touch the drum sticks.  Nate crossed his arms over his chest, asking with a smile.  "You don't have to be afraid. Go ahead".  Sean shot Nate a smirk and picked up a drum stick to spin it perfectly around his fingers, before pointing it toward Nate, answering smugly.  "I'm not afraid of it. I'm afraid of me. Of the feeling I get being this close to them".  Nate pushed off the door, casually moving closer as he stated just as smugly.  "Do that again".  Sean chuckled and spun the drum stick around his fingers again. 

When Sean stopped, Nate grabbed his wrist and their eyes locked together for a moment.  Nate seemed to be searching his eyes for something.  Sean thought about yanking his hand back, but Nate wasn't hurting him.  He honestly didn't know what to feel.  His heart was the only thing working and it was pounding slow and steady.  Everything else was offline and curious to see what Nate would do.  Nate stepped closer and brought his face close enough that Sean could smell him.  Nate didn't move any closer.  He just stayed there.  Sean's heart skipped.  Nate was testing him.  Waiting for him to decide if this was ok.  Sean's head felt a bit fuzzy.  The alcohol was making all the voices in his head seem distant and inaudible.  Leaving his heart to make up his mind for him.  He missed the contact as much as Nate.  What was the harm? 

Sean slowly closed the distance between them and timidly pressed his lips to Nate's.  Nate released his wrist and cupped his cheek to steady him.  Sean closed his eyes and let the drum stick slip from his hand to clatter to the floor.  Nate tasted like Oreos and had a scent that sucked him in to a calm state.  Sean let Nate push him back against the wall a bit forcefully.  Sean's hands ran up Nate's black shirt seeking out the buttons to undue each one carefully.  When he finished with the last button, Nate broke the kiss to quickly pull his shirt off his shoulders.  Letting it fall to the floor behind him, before stepping in to press his body against Sean as they kissed again.  This kiss was hungrier and was making them both loose their breath.  When Nate broke the kiss to bite Sean's lower lip, he breathless told Sean in a whisper.  "If this is your first time... I can try to be gentle". 

 A wicked grin spread over Sean's face, when he answered just as breathlessly.  "Don't bother. You're not my first".  Sean pushed Nate back a bit, before pulling his own shirt up over his head.  Dropping his shirt to the floor, Jack took ahold of Nate's arms and guided him around to press him back against the wall.  Cupping Nate's jaw, Sean kissed Nate a little more forcefully.  Nate seemed surprised for a second, but didn't stop him.  Instead, Nate's fingers began to tug at Sean's belt as he quickly unbuckled it. Sean broke their kiss as Nate's fingers sank into his jeans to stroke his hardening rod.  Sean hadn't had anyone touch him in years.  He truly had forgotten what it was like.  How it made his heart race and his body tremble.  Nate leaned in to bite his neck and Sean gasped.  His skin felt so sensitive to every touch and Nate's playful bite was giving him chills. 

Sean's legs were starting to buckle under him as they threatened to give out, but Nate eased him down across the floor.  Sean arched back, clawing the carpet with a soft moan.  Nate moved up his neck to playfully bite his ear and Sean panted breathlessly against Nate's.  Nate wasn't going easy on him.  His fingers had laid claim to his groin and Sean couldn't focus.  Nate had him right where he wanted him.  Sean wanted to kick himself.  He really was rusty.  He was going down without a fight.  Nate's hand slid out of Sean's pants and Sean forced himself to take a deep breathe.  Nate chuckled sweetly against his ear, asking huskily.  "It has been awhile, hasn't it"?  Nate lifted his head to look him in the eyes and Sean reluctantly admitted.  "I haven't had the time lately. Besides... You're... You're good with your hands". 

Nate smiled warmly down at him, before leaning in to kiss him tenderly.  Sean placed a hand to Nate's cheek and kissed him back just as innocently.  It felt so good to be kissed again.  To feel wanted and admired after so long.  When Nate's lips pulled only an inch or two apart, he asked seriously.  "Are you sure you want to do this with me? You can always change your mind".  Sean stared up into Nate's deep brown eyes.  Sean tried to think past the fog in his mind, but his heart was too loud.  He didn't want to think and talk himself out of this.  Nate was wild and free... and he wanted to taste what that was like.  He wanted to forget his pain and just get lost with Nate. 

Sean awoke to the ringing of his phone and reluctantly hung his arm off the bed to find it.  Grabbing his jeans, he fished out his phone and forced his eyes to focus.  The message was from Mark.  He was asking if he still wanted to go to the gym with him today.  Sean groaned loudly and forced himself to sit up.  This wasn't his bed.  His head was pounding too hard to recall last night, but he was surprised that Nate wasn't here.  On Nate's pillow was a small note that Sean read aloud a little weakly.  "Had to run off to work. I'll see you later".  Sean crumpled up the note and tossed it in the trash bin.  Slowly, he climbed out of bed to find his clothes and dressed himself, when Sam popped into his mind.  Did she make it home last night?!  He kicked himself mentally and raced for the door. 

Slipping out into the chilly morning, Sean tried to quickly sneak back to his house.  When a voice asked him coolly.  "Should I give you a few minutes to change then"?  Sean bit his lower lip hard and turned to face Mark with a guilty look.  Mark stood at the edge of Sean's lawn with a warm smile, telling him.  "Are you ok"?  Sean sighed, reluctantly telling him a little embarrassed.  "Ya. I think I must have drank to much last night. I just...".  Sean shrugged in defeat.  What could he say?  He was caught.  Mark smirked, telling him honestly.  "It happens to the best of us. Your daughter was a bit worried about you though. You might want to trend lightly in there".  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

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