Part 17

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Together Sean and Sam sat on the couch eating dinner, while watching a marathon of Disney movies.  When Sean realized how quiet Sam was suddenly being, he glanced at her.  She had fallen asleep against his shoulder.  Sean carefully set their empty bowls down on the coffee table, causing her to sit up in a sleepy state.  He thought about trying to convince her to turn in early, when someone knocked on the door.  Sean climbed to his feet, making his way to the door to peep through the glass.  A dark figure was standing on the porch.  Flipping on the light, Sean opened the door just a crack.  The second Nate turned to lock eyes with him, Sean blushed a little embarrassed.  Nate removed his hand from his black jacket to tell him sweetly.  "I'm sorry for interrupting. I know you said that you wanted to spend time with your daughter. I just wanted to bring these by since I was on my way home". 

Sean opened the door a bit more to see a few large boxes sitting on his lawn and a moving truck pulling away.  Nate placed a hand on one of the smaller boxes, saying excitedly.  "This is your drum kit. When you put it together, you can tell me if it all works and if it is all here".  Sean smirked stepping out onto his porch to get a better look, saying softly.  "I still don't know how to thank you for this".  Nate slipped his hand back into his pocket and then leaned in casually to say playfully.  "I'm sure that you will think of something. Do you want some help carrying it in"?  Sean took a step back into the house to peek at Sam.  She was now laying across the whole couch, sleeping soundly.  With a reluctant smile, Sean nodded to Nate.  Sam was working herself ragged with her homework and college project.  He'd let her sleep. 

Nate helped him bring in the first large box into his spare bedroom.  Then the others, until there was only two left.  As they brought them into the room, Nate set it down on the pile, asking him tenderly.  "You know... Wade's Halloween party is coming up".  The hairs on Sean's arm stood up, but he honestly told him a bit nervously.  "Oh, I'm sorry, Nate. I'm going with Mark".  Sean expected Nate to be disappointed, but Nate simply chuckled.  Nate leaned back against the wall, telling him a bit hopefully.  "Damn. I was going to ask you to skip it and come with me to the haunted woods".  Sean crossed his arms, asking uneasily.  "Haunted woods? It that a real thing, or a Halloween attraction"?  Nate smirked wickedly, answering.  "It's just a silly tour thing that I enjoy. It's much more fun than those stuffy parties. Too many people standing around and judging you with their eyes. It's much more fun getting lost in the woods". 

Sean chuckled, kneeling down to open up one of the boxes as he mumbled back innocently.  "Ya, but it would be dark and cold out. At least, the party will be inside where it is warm".  Sean saw Nate move in his peripheral vision and froze.  Nate walked over to his side, kneeling down to whisper in his ear.  "Depends on who you get lost with".  Sean's heart started to race and he was afraid to turn around.  Nate's breath tickled and warmed his ear as he whispered even closer to him.  "Could I convince you to ditch the cop and come with me"?  Sean shivered and bit his lip.  Why did he have to choose?  He hated choosing sides.  Both sounded so damn appealing.  Sean scooted away a bit to try and get away from Nate's powerful cloudy aura.  He couldn't think straight with Nate so close.  Climbing to his feet, Sean licked his lips nervously as he stammered out.  "Nate... I'd love too, but I told Mark that I'd-". 

Sean lost his train of thought as Nate took a very casual step closer, sinking him back into the fog of his aura.  Nate shrugged, asking devilishly.  "Sounds like he's got you under house arrest. You sure you don't want to come with me"?  The air felt heavy and thick.  Something in him was so drawn to Nate.  It made him want to escape with him.  Sean forced his eyes to the floor, saying firmly.  "I can't. I'm sorry. Maybe next time".  Nate's voice sounded so confident and calm as he answered lightly.  "Ok, but the offer is always open if you change your mind".  Sean looked up to see Nate walking away toward the door and his heart ached.  It scared him how much he wanted to stop him and... He couldn't even put what he wanted into words.  Nate stopped in the doorway and peered back over his shoulder with striking dark eyes and a devilish smirk. 

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