Part 24

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Sean followed Mark casually back down the hall and into the living room. Running a shaky hand through his long green bangs, Sean tried to sound playful, but it came out sounding a bit nervous. "He goes dressed as heights"? Mark chuckled loudly on his way to the kitchen.  Opening a drawer to pull out a set of strobe lights, Mark answered with a smile. "As interesting as that would be. No. I will say that if we pull this off... We'll be the talk of the neighborhood". Sean reached up to rest a hand against his collarbone, letting his fingers rub along the bone. It made him feel more relaxed after the actions in the bedroom. He was starting to feel a little awkward. Their kiss had been so... intoxicating. He didn't know what had come over him, but scarier than that... He wanted more. 

His heart was still pounding heavily in his chest. Aching for something that he wasn't sure he wanted to encourage. A loud 'BANG' made Sean jump out of his thoughts and he turned toward the sound. Mark flinched a bit, muttering out. "Fucking drawer. I keep meaning to fix it. Sorry". Sean watched Mark unscrew the back of the strobe lights to insert the batteries.  His heart slowing back to its steady beating, as his eyes became transfixed on Mark's hands. The veins standing out on the backs of his hands was strangely attractive to him. Was that why his hands were always so warm? To have large prominent veins like that, he must have a lot of warm blood flowing through him. Sean leaned back against the hallway wall, letting his eyes close for a second.

The moment his eyes closed, Sean silently took in a sharp breath. He could still feel Mark's warm hand against his throat. Those fingers digging into his thigh. It was as if he was still so close. From the darkness, Sean could almost feel someone leaning into him. He could feel the warm breath tickle his ear as the Dark Mark's voice from his dream seemed to whisper to him in that deep buttery voice. "There's no one here. We can be who we want. Come on. I'm right here". Sean felt the warm breath move from his ear, along his jaw to his lips. The moment he felt a set of warm lips brush against his, Sean's eyes shot open. Mark chuckled quietly to himself, finishing up with the strobe lights and setting them on the counter, then telling Sean without looking at him. "Falling asleep on your feet? I guess that 'active' dream of yours kept you up".

Before Sean could stop himself, the words slipped from his mouth in a wicked tone. "In more ways than one". The moment he heard his own words, Sean's cheeks flared a bright red and he cleared his throat loudly. He had hoped Mark hadn't heard that, but that is when Mark looked up at him with a small smirk. Sean slid around the wall and into the living room, trying to escape the conversation in the politest way he could. Whether Mark understood that or not, he didn't really know. Sean walked to the back door to stare out the glass, while from the kitchen Mark asked him rather casually. "So, should we go over my plan? Maybe practice"? Sean turned to glance back, curiously asking. "Practice doing what exactly"? Mark moved out of the kitchen, crossing his arms over his chest as he answered bluntly. "I told you. He'll see me coming. Which leaves YOU going in to get him. It's sad to say... but I have my doubts".

Sean placed his hands on his hips, before asking a little defensively. "Doubts about what"? Mark shrugged nonchalantly, leaning his hips back against the kitchen counter as he answered in a dismissive voice. "Doubts on whether you can manipulate anyone. Your so... innocent". Sean raised a smug eyebrow and gestured toward the bedroom, when he stated bluntly. "Innocent? A few minutes ago, you told me that you knew I wasn't innocent. You think all catholic boys kiss like that"? Mark shrugged again, calmly replying. "You plan to manipulate Nate with a kiss"? Sean opened his mouth to say something, but his mind was blank. He hadn't thought that through. Closing his mouth, he looked away and shrugged nervously.

Mark let out a deep throated chuckle, before asking randomly light. "Who's your favorite comic villain"? Sean looked back at him with a confused look. So, Mark added in a professional business like tone. "Think of this as role-playing. Think of your favorite villain. Why do you like him"? Sean smirked to himself, playfully answering. "Joker. I love his antics. He's so observant and he's so smart. He's carefree". Mark nodded slowly, very lightly uttering out. "That's interesting". Sean watched Mark closely, he seemed to know something that he wasn't letting onto. Sean took a step closer to him, letting his arms cross over his own chest now as he asked sheepishly. "What now"? Mark locked his eyes on Sean, when he answered promptly. "You can learn a lot from a person by the villains they admire, that's all". Sean brushed his loose bangs away from his eyes, stating back boldly. "No, you can't".

Mark leaned in closer, whispering in a deep dark tone of voice. "Oh, yes. You can. Shall I prove it"? Sean uncrossed his arms, suddenly feeling very uneasy. Mark's eyes looked almost black in this lighting and he seemed so confidant about this. Barely able to nod, Sean found himself holding his breath as Mark leaned off the counter. Mark stood before him, staring him down as he whispered so deeply soft inches from his face. "Joker has always believed justice to be one big joke. You lost your wife to a drunk driver. Then instead the guy gets out on good behavior... and does it all over again. That's not all though... You mentioned being catholic? How did mommy feel about your band? Did you feel controlled? Trapped? Caged? Could you see your life playing out in an endless circle? Did you ever tell your mom about your desire for boys? Or did you keep that hidden from her"?

Sean was starting to feel light-headed. He could barely breathe. Mark was a cop and it was his job to read people... but this was almost painful to listen to. Not because it brought up bad memories... but because Mark was connecting dots he didn't know existed. Mark moved around him, continuing on in that same deeply soft voice that grew more smug as he went along. "You've been hiding your whole life. Always afraid to be who you are. Afraid to show how you really feel. Holding it together for Sam. Never letting yourself let go. You smile to hide the pain... but on the inside... You feel broken. Can you look at yourself in a mirror without seeing the demon behind your eyes? You're attracted to the Joker, because you relate to him. Your own inner demon reflects him".

Mark stopped circling him to stand at his side like a dark shadow. Sean took a deep breath and found himself laughing loudly. He didn't know why he was laughing. Was he trying to hide behind it? Hide his nervousness? Fight back the pain as tears threatened to fall? The longer he let himself laugh the more he felt something stronger move to the surface. A strong defense to protect himself, maybe? The laugh pitched a bit high and when he finally stopped. Sean tilted his head toward Mark to snip out defensively. "Impressive. You can see right through me. However, you underestimate me. I'm pretty sure that I've got you pinned down without all the intimidating theatrics". Mark raised an eyebrow as Sean turned to face him.

With a broad wicked smile, Sean gestured to the house and pictures as he stated shrewdly.  "You've got it all figured out. You have a loving family. A nice house with beautiful things. You could have been anything, but I bet that you chose to be a cop because this life was too predictable. Am I right? Of course, I am. You have a large game room that you can argue is for your boys... but I think we both know that is an escape for yourself. You're not happy with this life. You mentioned the dark figure in your dreams makes you feel powerful. Darker. You've been a good son, a good father, and a good cop for so long... You're tired. No... You're bored. You can read people so well that you can predict them. But the thing that scares you most...". Sean stepped up really close to Mark to whisper against his lips. "You're afraid of yourself. Of how badly you want to give in to your own desires. To take what you want and give nothing in return. To manipulate those around you until you feel untouchable. Powerful. I can't look at my inner demon, Sure. You on the other hand... You're tempted to let yours out".

Sean smirked to himself. Mark's face was like stone. He just kept his eyes on Sean like this whole thing unfazed him, but Sean could see it in his eyes. He had hit a nerve. Brushing his lips teasingly over Mark's tightly shut ones, he continued to whisper on smugly. "Have you promised your inner demon his time in the sun? Lying through your teeth the whole time. Are you struggling to keep him in"? Sean took a smug step back, feeling a devilish smile spread over his face. Spreading his arms wide, Sean gave a small bow, wickedly tongue-lashing him one last time. "I can play mind games too, Mark. Are you not entertained"? Sean straightened up as Mark told him very casually. "Damien". Sean blinked a bit startled and confused, when he responded. "What does the devil's kid from the omen have to do with anything"? Mark finally started to move. Walking slowly toward him so casually with a small smirk.

Then without warning Mark grabbed Sean's neck firmly in his hand, pulling him the last few inches to say teasingly over his lips. "We're role-playing, remember? So, you shouldn't think of me as Mark. You can call me Damien. Damien Dark. Now, what were you saying about me wanting to take what I wanted"? For only a spilt moment, Sean felt scared. Until Mark's lips pressed against his in a tender, but hungry kiss. To Be Continued...     

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