Part 19

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Sean took a shaky breath, before looking himself over.  He was still dressed in his clothes from last night.  Sam's voice turned a bit hesitate as she told him through the door.  "Dad? I'm coming in".  Sean opened his mouth to tell her not too, but she was already opening the door.  When the door opened wide, Sam's eyes drifted from the bed to the floor.  She raised an eyebrow and leaned against the doorframe as she playfully chided out.  "Must have been some dream"?  Sean blushed a deep red and thought about standing up... but thought better of it.  His jeans were feeling a bit tight.  If he stood up then he might reveal something that would scar her for life.  Wasn't like she could see anything... but just the general idea might be enough to do the trick.  Pulling the blanket around his legs, he sat back against the bedframe, mumbling out.  "I don't know what it was". 

Sam bit her lip nervously, looking anywhere but at him as she mumbled back at him.  "Well, you were moaning and banging the headboard so loudly that I thought someone was in here with you. You woke me up".  Sean turned his eyes to the floor, feeling awkward as he told her guiltily.  "I'm sorry... I-".  Sean looked back up at Sam, his voice cutting short as he finally took in what she was wearing.  Sam was dressed in a Japanese school girl outfit that came up way too short around her thighs.  Whatever embarrassment he felt, sank to the back of his mind as his daddy instinct took over.  His eyes growing wide, he asked her seriously surprised.  "Samantha Septicia Mcloughlin! What are you wearing"?!  Sam smirked, straightening off the wall to do a small spin as she asked excitedly.  "Do you like it? It's my Halloween costume. I'm not finished with it. I'm going as a Yandere". 

Sean had to avert his eyes as her twirl revealed her underwear.  He wanted to be nice, but it was hard when all he could think about was the boys that would flock to her for the wrong reason.  "I'd love it more if you didn't leave the house in it".  Sam chuckled loudly lifting her skirt and Sean raised his hands to yell out.  "SAMANTHA"!  Sam quickly yelled over him in a chuckle.  "I'm wearing tight spandex shorts, Dad! Relax"!  Sean shook her head as he looked back at her, saying stone cold serious.  "No. I'm not letting you out of this house looking like THAT"!  Sam crossed her arms, pouting out to him.  "I'm eighteen, you know. I can wear what I want. I look good in this".  Sean groaned softly, trying to lighten the tension as he told her softer.  "Sam, please. Can't you go as anything else? Preferably something layered"? 

Sam rolled her eyes and tossed her hands up into the air with a loud defeated groan.  As she stormed off down the hallway, she shouted out to him bitterly.  "The only non-skimpy outfit for women nowadays is a nun"!  Sean smirked, shouting back out at her.  "I like that idea"!  Sam groaned even louder, before slamming her bedroom door.  Sean listened to the sudden silence a moment.  He hadn't even thought about his costume for the Halloween party.  Rising off the floor, he moved toward his closet and looked over his clothes.  He could always just make something work.  When his eyes fell upon an old box on the top shelf.  It was a bit dusty, but he knew what was in it.  A little reluctantly, he pulled it down and set it on the floor.  It would seem a bit simplistic... but did he need to be overly dressed? 

When he was dressed and made up, he slipped out to grab himself some much needed coffee.  While pouring himself a fresh cup, Sam came around the corner and jumped back the moment she saw him.  Sam covered her heart, snapping out at him.  "JESUS, DAD"!  Sean chuckled a bit, saying proudly.  "Like it? I think it's subtle but satisfying".  Sam moved closer to the counter asking tenderly.  "But what are you suppose to be"?  Sean leaned his hips back against the counter, taking a quick sip of coffee, before telling her.  "I'm myself... Well, a darker version of myself anyway. I felt inspired".  Sam leaned her arms against the counter, asking a little amused.  "Did that inspiration happen to come from sleeping with Natemare last night"?  Sean lowered his cup slowly, asking her curiously.  "Excuse me"?  Sam rolled her eyes, stating bluntly.  "You moaned out that name once or twice. I know who you were thinking about though". 

Sam gave him a wicked smirk as she shook her hips back and forth like a dog.  Sean set his cup down, stating back a bit dryly.  "How about we just pretend that last night didn't happen"?  Sam continued to smirk back, replying sweetly.  "You're not even going to deny it? Dad, should I be worried about you"?  Sean stared down at his cup on the counter, answering honest and shy.  "No. I'm just...".  Sam tenderly finished for him.  "Sexually active"?  Sean cringed, turning to look at her with narrowed eyes as he muttered out through clenched teeth.  "Sam".  He didn't like where this conversation was heading.  Unfortunately, Sam ignored him to say innocently.  "You always told me that sex was natural. That we could always talk about it with each other".  Sean cleared his throat, grabbing coffee cup again as he muttered out.  "Yes, when you have questions about it for yourself. Not about me". 

Sam moved around the counter to stand before him, shrugging as she stated out casually.  "Communication is a two-way street, remember? So"?  Sean stayed quiet, taking another sip of his coffee.  When she told him softly.  "I saw the way you acted around, Mr. Sharp... I know that look... You're afraid of-".  The doorbell suddenly rang, cutting her off.  Sean quickly set down his cup, slipping passed her as he told her a little relieved.  "I'll get it".  He was happy for the interruption.  He didn't want her to finish that sentence.  He didn't want her to worry about him like this.  He was fine.  Sean opened the front door in a bit of a rush to distract himself from the conversation.  Jumping back in fright as he locked eyes with Mark.  Mark grinned back at him, asking sweetly.  "I know it's early, but I was hoping you could help me with something"?  Sean shrugged, blushing a little as he answered out.  "Ya. Sure. What is it"? 

Mark shifted uncomfortably, saying meekly.  "Carving? Barry and Tim were suppose to do it... but Barry is conveniently over at his girlfriends house... and Tim... Well. He's too distracted. I'm a little reluctant to put a knife in his hands right now".  Sean raised an eyebrow, asking curiously.  "Distracted with what"?  Mark pulled out his phone to bring up a picture that was posted.  It was of Sam in her Yandere uniform.  Mark turned off his phone, telling Sean reluctantly.  "Tim saw that and won't come out of his room. I'm not interested in what he's doing in there".  Sean turned around to glare at Sam as she tried to sneak back to her room.  When their eyes met, she froze.  Flashing both him and Mark an innocent smile, she suddenly stated allowed nervously.  "What? Tim wanted to see how it looked on me. It was completely innocent... Unlike, your dream last night"!  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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