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Weeks had passed ever since Hoseok got hurt.
Weeks had passed since the two friends, if he could even still call each other friends, had kissed each other.  Weeks had passed ever since Zander and Namjoon could come home, since they were still at their business trip. But weeks had also passed, ever since Hoseok had even visited his favourite café. Hoseok not visiting his café? Now that doesn't sound right. It doesn't sound right like cake without icing. Like rain that doesn't leave puddles behind. It just didn't seem right.

Hoseok did not visit that café everyday like he used to. It was simply because he had found a 'place'. This 'place' was his escape. Somewhere he needed to go whenever he wanted to feel free. Somewhere he could escape reality whenever he felt like it. That was what the café was for, but more and more people began to come to the café, making the boy feel agitated.

The place was beautiful. It was a big green field, filled with flowers of different kinds. Flowers that seemed to be coming out of fairytales. Ahead was a large lake. The water was clear. Clear enough that when standing in front of it, you could easily see your reflection, as if staring into a mirror.

He decided to go there today, soon as he finished his tea with some toast he had ordered.


Hoseok gathered his things, ready to go to his next destination. Which was obviously the little flower field he had found.

He was walking along the sidewalk, until he spotted figures ahead of him. These figures seemed to ressemble people he had seen before. Once he got a bit closer, making his vision clearer. He saw them.

Jungkook? Jimin?! He thought to himself. What the fuck are they doing together? Are they holding hands?! What?! All these questions filled the boys mind. He didn't notice how close he had gotten to them. Before they could notice his presence, he had fled.

Hoseok ran. He ran towards the opposite direction which he wasn't sure if it would take him to the one safe place he knew.


The younger laid on the grass. It was getting late, but he didn't seem to mind. He watched as the star lit sky, shimmered with the millions of shining dots that seemed to ease his pain. He was in peace of his mind, before all his worries simply came back into his conscious.

How? How is this even possible? Jungkook and Jimin? Yoongi? What's going on? The boys head filled with questions. Questions that were left un-answered. Questions he was sure to soon be getting the answers from, if he asked the right people.

What if their dating? But Yoongi cheated on me with Jimin... Does Yoongi know? Have they broken up? Does that mean we could have a second chance? Hoeseok stopped himself. He stopped at the last thought that crossed his mind. Deep down, he knew he no longer wanted to be involved with the elder. He knew he would only make it worse for himself. After all, the elder still had his 'beloved Jimin'.

As the boy laid on the soft grass, deep into his thoughts, the cold wind blew over him causing him to him to get back into reality. It was getting really late. It was time for him to get home.

*sips tea*


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