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2 months later

The sky was extremely blue for a spring day.
Hoseok sat on the grass, staring up into the sky. He was lost in his thoughts, thinking of all the places he could be right now. The boy didn't realize it, but he had a slight smile on his face.

He knocked on their apartment door, awaiting for his hyung to open up. He could here all the shuffling that was going on in the background as the person hurriedly opened the door.

"Ah! Hoseok-ah, back so soon?"

"What's up Zander-Hyung."

"Were you okay? Was it too cold outside? Where's your scarf? Are yo—" The elder asked the boy.

"Hyung, I'm fine! Don't worry."
The younger said while looking down at his feet.

"Hoseok plea—"

"Hyung!" He looked up into the elders eyes.

Zander saw there was something wrong. The younger's eyes were... Different.
He didn't know how to explain it, other than that they looked as if they were washed out 100 times.

Zander, moved to the side so Hoseok could come in.

Everyday Hoseok would go to his little field. He always felt relieved just leaving everything as it is, and sitting down on the grass staring up into the sky. He felt free. He would mostly go during nights though. Zander didn't know, and he had a specific rule for Hoseok not to leave the house after 10:00pm. But of course, the stubborn boy didn't  care. He liked going in the night, because he was able to watch the stars.

Ever since Zander and Namjoon came back from their business trip, which was a month ago. They noticed Hoseok had changed drastically. Dyed his brunette head, to now a gorgeous red. Even though that wasn't a problem. He would lock himself in the room all day, only to come out when needing some food, or to use the bathroom. He wasn't a sociable person as he use to be. Those dazzling, soft, beautiful blinding smiles he once used to give out, we're now something that didn't even seem to cross the younger's mind anymore. He didn't sleep at night, considering the fact he would always be out at his place. Or he would either be crying himself to sleep.

But of course, Hoseok told Zander what happened. The only person he could truly trust with everything. Even his life. He told his hyung everything. He spilled his feelings, emotions, grudges that he held for so long. he let them go.

At one point, the younger would look calm. Too calm for anybody's liking. Calm to the point, where if he had to kill you, he would do it with no emotion. He had no emotion.

« Hoseok, are you hungry? I can make a snack for you? » The elder said, while looking through he refrigerator for something to make.

No reply.

« Hoseok? » He said again, still looking through the fridge grabbing out some items.

« Hoseok, do you wa—»
The elder looked up from the fridge, only to find the boy gone. He put back everything he took out from the fridge, and closed it.

He's up in his room again.

This isn't healthy. I know he's grieving- no. He's not. He's completely destroyed. They've destroyed him. They've wrecked him. He looks completely out of place.

Where is the boy who use to cry into my arms whenever something was wrong?

Where is the boy who use to whine about not eating ice cream st 9:50pm in the night?

Where is the boy who would have the most dazzling, soft, most beautiful smile?

Where is Hoseok?

The elder thought to himself, vision slowly getting blurred by the tears that formed by the corners of his eyes.

I have to do something. This isn't safe nor healthy for that kid.

He looked at his phone, that was laying on top of the counter. Before grabbing it, he quickly thought to himself what he was doing would be okay, or completely a bad idea.

He slowly reached for his phone. He slowly but hesitantly, dialed a number.

A number that needed to speak truth.




« Yoongi? »


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