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He ran.

He ran as fast as he could. Tears dripping down his face in the process, but the wind instantly drying it up.

It was dark out, but Hoseok knew his way around.

Of course, once that news had been dropped on him, the first place he thought of was his place.
He knew where it was located by heart. He ran as fast as his legs could take him. 'Why? Why did he have to do it? Yoongi? I don't even know who that is anymore! I'm scared. He broke my heart... But I miss him? Ugh! I don't even care anymore. I'm leaving. Fuck! my flight is on Saturday.. ' Thoughts and questions filled the younger's mind.


He sat on the grass staring at the book that was held between his hands.
'I need to tell him soon.
Is it okay to just leave like this?
I have to. My flight is this Saturday anyways.. In two days..'

Hoseok later calmed down. He soon felt bad about running away from Zander like that.
He collected all his thoughts together, getting ready to leave.


The boy admired everything along his way home. He looked at them with interest, because that would probably be the last time he'd get to see them.

'Wow, I didn't realize the flowers at the front of the café we're this beautiful at night'

He continued along the path, until he finally reached the front door to the house. He hesitantly opened the door, waiting for a scolding Zander to attack him with a hug. Sadly, he wasn't there.

The younger scanned the house to see if the elder was within his presence. 'I hope he isn't mad at me' He thought to himself while heading up to hyngs room.

He waited for a bit before knocking. Not more than 3 seconds had passed, until he felt s heavy weight on him.

« Hoseok-ah, I'm so so sorry! You don't have to meet Yoongi if you don't want! I'm so so— »
The elder said while having Hoseok into a tight embrace. But was soon cut off.

« -Hyung, it's okay.. I can meet him if it for you, and if that's what you want.. »

« Hoseok-ah... »

« Hyung, I need to tell you something »

hhaahha, a short chapter... not very interesting...
have a good day my dudes :—)

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