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He was in so much pain.

It didn't stop.

The bleeding was endless.

Never ending tears streamed down Hobi's face.

He couldn't move. He felt frozen.

His mind was blank.

He didn't know what to do.

Before he knew it, he could feel the cold, hard ground.

Everything went black.

☹ ☹ ☹

"Welcome back babe." Yoongi said as he gave Jimin a peck on the lips. "Did you get what I needed?"

"Yeah. You're lucky though, there was only one left in stock!"

"Wow thanks. Besides, how can it take you 35 minutes just to get some soap?" The elder questioned.

"....You know me....I like to explore.."

"Whatever you say"

It was getting pretty late so the two decided it would be time to go to bed.
As Yoongi was heading upstairs, Jimin stayed to take off his jacket.

As the male took off his jacket proceeding to hang it, he noticed something.

Tch, did I really have to get the sleeves stained?
He thought to himself.

Blood, such an interesting substance.

Rather than hanging the jacket, he simply took it to the laundry room.

☹ ☹ ☹

-muffled sounds in the distance-

Hoseok slowly opened his heavy eyes, to the strange sounds he could hear in the distance.
He didn't seem to think much of it as he. started to rub his sleepy eyes trying to awaken them.

Before he could do that, a sharp pain was felt right when he lifted his arm.

Fuck, what is this?
He thought to himself.

He looked down to see there was a big bandage wrapped around his hand.

Later on his eyes focusing on the bedsheets he was on. He was confused. These weren't the bedsheets he slept on at his home.

Soon the boy skimmed around the room with his eyes. Only to realize that he wasn't at his home. He looked back down at his hand trying to process what was going on.

"Good morning sleeping beauty."
A familiar, yet deep voice said.

He quickly looked up, to find Jungkook.

"Kookie? What am I doing here?" The younger said in a weak voice.

The older walked up to him with a bottle of Tylenol ignoring the question.

"Here. Take this. It'll help ease the pain."

The boy looked down at what was offered to him. He shrugged it off and easily took it. Understanding a bit of the condition he was in and why he needed the painkillers.

"Now that you're awake, let's go for a walk."

☹ ☹ ☹

"Wow... thank you Kookie.."

"It's no biggie love."

Jungkook had explained everything that had happened to the younger, and how he ended up on the olders bed. Hoseok seemed really surprised at what he was hearing and soon later on came to the understanding of what had happened.

"Kookie....do you mind if we could go to the co—"
"-The coffee shop?" Jungkook said with a grin, cutting Hoseok off"

"How did you know?"

"Hoseok... Zander told me you go there often, and you usually go there when you want to relax."

Hobi was in shock of what he was hearing, because all that was true.

"Well then, since you seem to know too much about me, and I don't know enough about you.. let's go!"

Hoseok grabbed Jungkook's hand as they both ran to the diner.

Hobi was happy.

He felt free.

Something he missed so much.

☹ ☹ ☹

They both walked into the little diner holding hands.

"Hey! What's up Hobi?! Long time no see!"
A man in the distance behind the counter yeld.

"Hoseok! We've missed you!"
A lady with short black hair behind the register said.

All the workers knew who Hoseok was. They missed Hoseoks wonderful company. It had been a while since he was last seen in the shop.

"Hey everyone! How's it been?" The boy said with the brightest smile he could give.

Yet a very genuine smile.

Hoseok didn't know, but Jungkook was watching as he smiled. Jungkook himself knew something was different about that smile.
The smile that Hobi shared with everyone, was a warm beautiful smile. Jungkook didn't notice but he had tightened his grip in the youngest arm as he continued to greet the workers.

After all the chit chat. Hobi and jungkook both went to a booth that was by the window and showed a beautiful view. It was Hoseoks favourite seat in the restaurant.

"So Jungkook, you seem to know too much about me. So how about we focus on you for a while?" He said with a bright smile.

"Why? I love focusing on you instead baby »

« I'm flattered, but not this time. »

hey bitch, i'm back with another chapter. I hope y'all are reading, because that would honestly mean a lot!


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