To: Zander

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I remember when I first met you, I thought to myself, « How did I live my life without you? How did I manage that? » A few months have passed since that day, and I'm beginning to think that our paths have almost finished crossing.
I hope we never become those people who cross the street to avoid each other. Strangers. You made me realize, that hard times will always reveal true friends. I've smiled all the time so that nobody knows how sad & lonely I really  am. You realized that about me, before I even did myself.
Sometimes, you gotta pretend everything is okay.
Thank you so much for everything you've done for me hyung. I really do appreciate and love you so so so much! If I know what love is, it is because of you.
I know you'll cry an ocean after reading this cheesy letter, and it's okay. Since I won't be there to witness it,  which I'm glad about that because it means I won't have to cry.
Btw: I might have not accidentally broken the shelf in my closet...
Love your one and only Hoseokie

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