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It was fresh. It felt nice. The cool breeze that came around Hoseok's body made him feel awake. It woke him up. Sweat rolled down his forehead as he made the leaps, jumps and turns at the time he was meant to. He felt as if he's become one with the music that played in the background. His body moved to the music, hitting every beat perfectly and sharply. It was coming to an end. He simply had to make a dramatic fall for the ending. The last bit of music came as he made his dramatic fall. It was over. He had poured he sweat and tears into this choreography.

The loud screams and cheers for the « encore's » didn't seem to faze Hoseok, as if he was in another world of his own at the moment.

« Hoseokie baby, you did amazing! The way you made that turn at the part that went dun..dun..

How could he do this to me? I'm completely broken. I don't know what to do. I'm lost. I need help. I don't know the way. I feel destroyed. I was only good because I poured my anger into the dancing..after all the choreography was about how lost I was.



Hoseok soon snapped out of his mind and was facing a confused Zander. "Did you just hear anything i just said? All the compliments i threw at you did you hear them? hm?"

"No, sorry...I was just thinking..."

Jungkook and Namjoon ran up to where the two were standing. "Hoseok, that was amazing" Namjoon chimed. "Wow... I didn't know you could move your body like that. What was the name of that intense music?" Jungkook said.

"Hah.... thanks guys, I really appreciate the compliments... Lost. The music of the intense piece is Lost." And with that, Hoseok slowly mingled around the bar as if he knew where to go.

☹ ☹ ☹
"Whoa! Kid slow down!"

"Bwring mey moure~" He slurred.

"No! That's gonna be your twelfth drink! How old are you? You look 15!?"

"Youh foohl! Bwring mey moure befhure I swu youh!" He slurred.

"No! I'll bring you some water instead, that's what you need!"

He slammed his cup onto the counter and pulled the bartenders collars.

"Are youh tryhnnah pick ah fighte buddi?!"
He slurred.

"Aah! I'm only trying to help kid!"

"Whoa, whoa, slow down. Here, Hoseok, let's get you some water so you can cool down.  Could we get a glass of water?"

"Sure thing man, I don't know what's going on, but he came here demanding for a drink. I asked what kind, then said the one that makes you forget everything. Which I assumed is our strongest kind. He was almost on his twelfth bottle! So i obviously had to stop him. He looks like he's just in high school!

"I see...."

The bartender handed the glass of water to Jungkook.

"Here, drink this. C'mon, so we can go somewhere."

Hoseok did as he was told. Later on, Jungkook took him out onto the balcony of the club, after he was sober.

☹ ☹ ☹

"So... do you want to talk about what's going on?"

Destroyed | SOPEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin