Get Along

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"No, really" Kurt insisted, "I'm really happy that you visit me. My own sister doesn't even bother to do so" he scoffed at the mention of his sister.

   "I heard she calls you at least once a day, while I only visit once a week" Silvio pointed out, "I haven't done much for you—" that was a lie, "and it's not like I want to hear that voice of yours everyday like your sister" Again, another lie.

   "But are you sure that you were really free today?" Kurt asks, "You probably had a full schedule—"

   "Of course it was, half of the fullness of my schedule happens to be you" Silvio replies, trying to sound un-obvious. "I know that you could be worrying about my life; my family, school and future career. But it's fine, didn't we plan to be in each other's futures?" Heck, that came out much more romantic  that Silvio wanted. "Like, you know, we'd meet up from time to time for dinner—" what the hell was Silvio implying? "after— after a full day at work" he stuttered, holy shit. "I just want to be with you, Kurt"

   Kurt squinted his eyes at Silvio to inspect him, was this guy for real? "Can you get me some orange juice?"

   Silvio's eyes widened, although he quickly laughed and shook his head at your ignorance and his defeat and even possible rejection. "I have just happened to say the most romantic thing in my life and that's what you say next?"

   "Yeah" Kurt shrugged, awaiting for his juice.

   "Give me a sec, boss" Silvio stood to travel to the mini-fridge at the other end of the room. "Here" he hands Kurt a bottle as soon as he got back.

   Kurt smiled brightly at his peasant, taking a sip and lying down on the bed to finally rest— visiting hours were coming to an end. "Thanks"

   "What?" Silvio stares at Kurt sceptically, "I tell you romantic shit, I get you juice— and what do I get?"

   "To stare at me as I try to sleep"


   "Alright, come over here" Although, Kurt still did not believe what was happening.

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