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Robert Downey Jr. as Silvio Thomas

When Silvio arrived, he ran to where Kurt was while he was on his phone— contacting for help. "We'll have an ambulance there in seven minutes" the man on the other end of his phone replied. Silvio could've screamed back at the man to move quicker and send an ambulance in a matter of seconds.

   But he couldn't, not when Kurt's unconscious and stuck body was right in front of him, blood was trickling from Kurt's forehead as he seemed peaceful yet close to death.

   The owner of the Ford, a small and frail fifty year old woman, was on stepping out of her vehicle and was about to say sorry.

   "Hag! Look at what you've done!" Silvio lashed out on her, with his eyes red and eyebrows furrowed. The woman was taken aback with a gasp and a heart on her chest. "I— I didn't mean to" Silvio calmed himself down and now had a thin and hard smile on his face. It'll be alright, he thought. That old woman's fine, so maybe Kurt would be too. Silvio looks back at Kurt, though by the looks of it, it would take a long wait before he was back to usual.

   And then there was Kurt, after a year— still stuck with barely even moving at all. At least, he had something to look forward to, his friends' visits— Silvio's visits.

   Kurt tapped his fingers on his lap, waiting for Silvio's arrival. He always came late, even though Kurt knew deep down that Silvio would never be late for anything with his maid who ran his planner and driver who memorizes his schedules. Maybe because Silvio didn't really care for him, because he was too bitter? 

   Either way, there was Kurt— waiting for something that could possibly not happen. For Silvio to visit or not, was he late or not. Silvio's visits always depended on his mood, how late he was. there was this one time, Kurt remembered, that Silvio arrived nearly the end of visiting hours— just because his girlfriend had just dumped him, or he dumped her.

   Silvio said it was a "mutual dumping" wherein "he dumped her and she dumped him". Kurt would never understand or ever find out the real story. Kurt was just very thankful that Silvio always manages to visit once a week.

   Silvio was very busy in college and took too many courses, he didn't even have the time to buy himself new clothes and the task was left to his maids. He was supposed to have his Friday afternoons off, but he insists on continuing his visits. So Kurt always, completely, sincerely and willingly wait.

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