Challenge - Do You Believe In God? Social Experiment

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Hello, my lovely people! I would like you to watch this short video below.

Isn't that heartbreaking? There were so many people who said "No," or they "didn't know" what they believed.

One girl went so far as to say, "I believe in God and all, but I don't get why people give a ---- about Jesus."

That one cut real deep.

And even more so than heartbroken... This made me feel guilty.

The thing that gets me the most is how SO many people say their "not religious," but guys this isn't a religion! It's a relationship!! And that is what we need to show to the world!

This next video gives a little bit more hope, but still I feel guilty.

Are ya feeling the guilt yet? 😫😓😩

These five little words are loaded and there is no better way to make someone uncomfortable than by asking them this question: "Do you believe in God?"

And that's exactly what we're going to do!

I know this challenge is a bit bizarre, but if you think about it, that seemingly simple question holds life and death in five words. And yet, according to the words of the people who made these videos, most people were willing and eager to answer.

So let's try this together!! You don't have to go out in the middle of town. You can simply ask your classmates, teachers, the person who hands you your food in the drive thru or your lunch ladies, even your friends if you're not sure where they stand. Start small if you need to, but don't go to people who you already know how they will answer. Branch out, but be safe!

Comment how it goes! Tell me what your most commonly received answer was! I am so excited! Make sticky note reminders, set an alarm on your phone to remind you, write it on your hand if your parents allow that! Anything it takes to remind yourself!

Guys, this is what we are meant to do. We are supposed to get the Word out and get people questioning or strengthening their beliefs. Like the disciples, I believe we are called to be fishers of men, but that involves putting ourselves out there, in the boat like Jesus did.

 Like the disciples, I believe we are called to be fishers of men, but that involves putting ourselves out there, in the boat like Jesus did

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I hope to make a YouTube video like these on my future channel. I cannot wait!

Just wondering: what kind of videos would you like me to do once I start a YouTube channel? It will be a Christian channel, but I will do some fun different things every once in a while (still incorporating Jesus in them). I want to be different. I want my channel to stand out and scream "JESUS ROCKS" while also being interesting and encouraging people to live their life to its fullest capacity for the Lord.

Comment what you think, and I will take every suggestion into consideration! I am so keen to get started! I just need equipment... And free time! 😂😂😂


I don't usually do this, but these two accounts have brought a whole new perspective to my walk with Christ, and I know they will do the same for you! Check them out!!! ⤵⤵⤵ 🙌
Project_Change and PChangeLives



YOU are all my valentines! 💜💞💚💟❤💘💕💛♥💓💙💞♥💒💌💗❤💖💛💜💝

I love you so so much! Have a day as wonderful as you!!! You matter! 😉

I love you so so much! Have a day as wonderful as you!!! You matter! 😉

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