Tag/Discussion - Hate

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I have some discussion questions for ya!

#1. Is hating Satan bad? God says to love your enemies.
I encountered this question a few weeks ago when I was showering. In the bathroom is always where I have my most significant talks with God, but that day it was a little different. I was talking to Satan. Not just talking, yelling at him, calling him names and telling him to get behind me because God's got my back. Then... I said I hated him. And I meant it with every ounce of me. He had given me such a hard time that week and I had had enough of him.

But even still, what is wrong to say that I hated him?

#2. When is hating considered bad? Is it just when you hate a person/something they do, or is it also when you hate some thing (for example, I hate the school subject of history)?
"Hate" definitely isn't the choice of word we should use all the time for things we don't like or appreciate, but is there any line to be drawn for when it is acceptable and not, or is it just not to be used at all?

#3. Have you ever said that you hated someone in their presence?
I have. I was young, around 5 years old. I had this easel with a white board on it and on the board I wrote that I hated my older brother and oldest sister. I regretted it after my mom made me apologize to them and tell them I love them. And I did. I love them, but as a young kid I didn't really know the actual power behind the word "hate" so I used it, which is normal for younger children especially with siblings whom they don't get along with quite well. Just yesterday my little brother told me that he hated my little sister. I was like, "What did you just say??" And he told me again, but this time instead of saying he hates her, he just said he didn't like her because he obviously realized what he actually said and that it was wrong.

Sometimes we are too quick to speak and words just come out before we have any time to rethink them. That's alright. I mean we're human. But that doesn't mean we can't try to improve.

I may not need to be sharing this, I honestly don't know... My sister had a boyfriend once, he was an alright guy. I mean there were super good qualities and bad qualities both in him, but my sister ended up ending their relationship. In the long run, I think it was for the better... he wasn't a Christian... but one of the reasons my sister broke up with him was because he overused the word hate SO much and it bothered her. He wasn't a pessimistic person, but he just always used the word hate for when he didn't like something even in the slightest bit. And to my sister, that was unappealing. I don't blame her. (That wasn't her only reason for breaking up with him, so don't think my sister is insane.)

My point in telling you this is, well, really what I mentioned before. Watch your tone and your choice of words. It may not seem like much in the moment, but believe me, it matters.



#1 (nickname) - Abiga, Abs Mak, Abigail, Lil' Abster, Banana, Janice

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#1 (nickname) - Abiga, Abs Mak, Abigail, Lil' Abster, Banana, Janice... Take your pick!

#2 (eye color) - Dark blue. But they blend to green and then brown the closer you get to my pupil. It's weird.

#3 (hair color) - Uhh, light brown with a tint of red.

#4 (one fact about me) - I've been with my first (and hopefully last) boyfriend for two years and four months almost! He's kinda my life. ❤

#5 (favorite color) - I do not appreciate this question!... I can't decide! I love red, orange, blue, a yellow.

#6 (favorite place) - I don't know for sure. But I'm going to San Francisco  next year and I'm really excited about it!!

#7 (favorite celebrity) - I like Brendon Urie and Kirstin Maldonado a whole lot... **UH KIRBY MINNICK!

#8 (favorite animal) - SLOTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#9 (favorite song) - This question is harming my well being...... 😂 Uhm, as of right now, Pentatonix's cover of Take On Me and Before It's Over from the musical Dogfight, but I love a lot of songs!!

#10 (favorite book) - The Bible. I'm not even kidding. And I like Harry Potter.

I TAG (DRUMROLL PLEASE) ................


I didn't tag 20 people... Woops!
If you can't do it or seriously don't want to or if you don't have a book to do it in, it's okay. I don't mind.


Don't just have a good Friday, have a great one! Even though it's almost over! Haha!

God bless you! Stay true!!!!

I love you.


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