She Returns!! - Prayer Requests/Mini Discussion

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Sorry. Jesus isn't back, but BANANA is!!


I hope I didn't lose some support in the time that I've been gone! I still love all of you so much and I am so sorry that I haven't been able to keep up with my books very well lately!


So to begin, I have a few prayer requests!

#1 - piggslover4673
For her and her family.
A family that prays together stays together.

#2 - one of my best friends
She has a serious chronic disease and she is constantly sick, missing a lot of school and marching band rehearsals. Also, her mom is battling cancer for the second time.

#3 - Hurricane victims

Please keep all of these in your prayers, along with any more that others may have! Instead of asking "Why, God??" we must put our full trust in Him and know inside our hearts that a miracle from Heaven is on it's way. 👼


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So I would like to share with you all something that my mommy told me and my siblings yesterday morning on the way home from church.

"We think we know stuff because we've been taught it, but we don't actually take the time to learn it for ourselves. And there's a lot of stuff that isn't even being taught either."

When she said this, I immediately noted it because it is so true!
Too often in life we just listen to preachers and Sunday school teachers talk or to Christian songs on the radio and then we just assume that we know it — that we know God, we know His stories, His power. We don't take the time to actually learn things and apply them, so our "knowledge" is empty.

Honestly, I am even struggling to discuss this because I do it so often that I don't even realize it. I've become numb. And I know I'm not the only one.

So I just want to mark this week as the start of not only a new relationship (💛), but as the start of actually taking the time to know God, to know the Bible, the Holy Spirit. To understanding what His will and His purpose is in my life and other's around me. To committing to keeping steady and determined in my walk with Him. To becoming who Christ wants me to be.

Today, I choose Jesus.

And I hope you'll join me.


God, I thank You for this day that You have given us and for those to come. I thank You for sending your Son to die on the cross that we may have the opportunity to know You and spend an eternity in Your presence. Dear Lord, today I ask that You put Your hand over all of the prayers requests that have been mentioned today because I know that You can fix each and every situation with one simple word. But, Lord, even if You don't, I pray that we are able to stay strong in our faith and hope in You. I know that no matter where I stand, You are already there. I love You and I want to give my all to You. Light a fire in my soul. Lead, guide, and direct me in the way that You would have me to go. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen.


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