Discussion - Dating/Kissing

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(#162 in Spiritual!!! SO HAPPY!)

(#162 in Spiritual!!! SO HAPPY!)

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Oh boy, here we go!!!

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Oh boy, here we go!!!


As teenagers, we all are most likely wishing there was an entire book of the Bible dedicated to the topic of dating, or even just one chapter. Though the Scriptures are filled with many foundations and guides, dating is one of the few topics left untouched. Why? Well, the concept of dating didn't exist in biblical times. Even today in the cultures of the Middle East, dating is a relatively new concept.

Though nothing specific to dating is mentioned in the Bible, there's a lot of valuable things said about marriage, and as good people, marriage is our ultimate goal in a relationship. So we need to take everything the Bible tells us and apply it to our hearts and our lives.

Let's take a look at a few verses:

"I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or the does of the field, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases." -Song of Solomon 2:7

"Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way." -Proverbs 19:2

A lot of people (not just girls) feel the need to be dating someone at all times. I'm not sure if they just want it for the attention, if they need the love of a companion to make up for the lack of it at home, to keep a good reputation with their peers... Whatever the case may be, the Bible tells us clearly to not rush love, don't force it to happen. Don't just date a person because they're "hot". Give it time, learn more about the person. You need to test the water before you jump in.

Most people that claim to be in love say that they just felt a connection when they say their crush.
But not every connection is good. Some will say they they "fell in love and couldn't get away". I've said this too, but honestly I didn't fall in love. Every step that I've taken from the beginning of my relationship to now has been a choice that I made. I didn't simply fall in love.

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