Discussion - Random Acts Of Kindness 2/Happy Birthday

82 13 31

Here's my checklist:

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Here's my checklist:

Give a stranger a compliment

Leave a sticky note in a public bathroom stall or on the mirror that says "You look amazing!"

Eat lunch with someone new

Contact an old friend or relative

Tape change to a vending machine with a note that's says "Have a drink, on me!"

Listen with your heart

Give up your seat for someone

Give construction workers or people standing on the side of the road cold drinks (or hot drinks depending on location/weather)

Share a snack

Leave kind notes on cars in the parking lot

Hold the door open for someone

Bring a welcome card/gift to a new student/coworker

Pay for the order behind you in the drive thru

Let someone else go first

Pick up litter

Defend someone that is being bullied or being gossipped about

Forgive mistakes

Give an extra tip when you go out for dinner

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